
Will I spin and jump clockwise or counterclockwise?

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I don't figure skate, but I have been doing ballet for over 10 years. In ballet, I do pirouettes (sort of like spins) and toure jetes (like a half jump..) better when i do them in a clockwise direction. My friend who is a figure skater taught me a sort of simple spin which I do clockwise. However, whenever I'm watching figure skating, it almost is hard to watch and sort of comfusing when I see someone like Ashley Wagner skate because she jumps and spins clockwise. Maybe that might be just because I'm used to seeing skaters go counterclockwise.

If I started figure skating, would I rotate clockwise or counterclockwise?

Also, is it possible to have a figure skater jump counterclockwise, but spin clockwise?




  1. It all depends how you feel comfortable doing it. I figure skated for 9 years and i can actually do both. Really it is how you learn it in the beginning, if you are taught one way you will most likely continue that way. Ballet is similar to skating, so it is possible you will stay the same direction. But on skates it is totally different. It feels different, and some ways are just easier. Good luck to ya! Hope it helps!

  2. no your jumps and spins will always be the same direction

    if you go skating ask your friend she will know what to do

    its not too important because your not a figure skater

  3. You can go clockwise or counter clockwise on any jump or spin.  It just depends which foot you take off of.  People who take off of their right foot will jump/rotate clockwise.  People who take off of their left foot will jump/rotate counter clockwise.  I hope that you decide to start skating.  SKATE GREAT!!!

  4. Either way. Clockwise is the lefty way. Just do whatever you find comfortable.

  5. Officially in skating, a person who does spins and jumps clockwise is left-handed and viceversa for right-handed skaters. Since 90% of humans are right-handed, it's pretty obvious why you seldom see skaters that do jumps & spins clockwise.

    It's actually highly unusual to see skaters that can competantly do jumps and spins in the opposite direction. I can personally do left-handed sit spins and if I do it right I can make it to the required 5 revolutions, but the figure ultimately feels very strange. The COP system grants bonus points to skaters that can do spins in the opposite direction, but so far jumps have no special credit sadly.

    Stephane Lambiel can do Double Axels in both directions.

    However, while lefty spins are just tough, I think some jumps can be learned either way if you're willing to practise twice knowing the opposite direction jump on't get any special credit (unless you're planning on mastering a left-handed Lutz which can be used in combo jumps to boost point totals).

    Sometimes I actually do off-ice jumps better clockwise.

    It's far more likely you'll see skaters doing bauers and eagles in the opposite direction than jumps and spins though.

    John Curry was famous because he did counter-clockwise jumps and all of his spins were clockwise.

  6. It depends on the jump and spin that you are doing. Loops, flips, lutzs are all jumps that turn clockwise but backspins, backsitspin, all turn counterclockwise. It really depends on what your doing!

    Good luck!

  7. idk? im right handed and its easier 4 me to jump on my left hmmmm..... ( - 8*

  8. If you spin clockwise in your pirouettes then likely as not you are a clockwise spinner and will do the same on ice. There is no preference for one direction over the other. What's difficult is to learn to spin in the opposite direction from what your body naturally wants to do. So if your body wants to spin clockwise, that is what you should do. Notable clockwise skaters: Sarah Hughes and (iirc) Todd Eldrege.

    And yes, a spinner can jump in one direction and spin in the other. It's not uncommon in pairs to see members of the pair jump the same direction but spin the opposite directions. IIRC, Yamagucci and Galindo were just such a pair before they went their separate ways into singles (and history).

    Whether you spin/jump clockwise or counter has nothing to do with being right or left handed.

  9. You should rotate the way it feels confortable to you. I rotate clockwise because I feel more confortable that way. It is unusual to have a figure skater jump conterclockwise and spin clockwise because the skater is rotating in the opposite direction and that's not convienient.

  10. You jump counter clockwise and spin counter clockwise. a clockwise spin is a backwards spin. generally it keeps the same rotation.

    i think :]

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