
Will I start losing weight?

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I have been living a healthy life style for like 2 years now,and I have lost 38 pounds since.I still need to lose 15 more to be healthy and happy with myself.I eat healthy...chicken,salad,fruit,veggies,lo... of water,oatmeal,black beans...and i usually have no carbs except the oatmeal and the complex carbs in i pretty much lost the weight without exercise,but now im adding exercise into my plan. here is the machine i will use -

i use it for 30-45 at least,almost i used it for an hour and 20 min...should i/will i start losing more weight?

and tips plz?




  1. First of all congratulations on your weight loss that's fantastic! 15lbs will be a cinch if you haven't used exercise til now and still lost 38lbs.

    Stay on track its working and will continue to work I'm sure.I wish all my clients had such drive =) Now excuse me while I do a happy dance for you LOL


  2. yes, in theory.  but i find "machines" to be boring.  the best exercise is natural exercise outside.  you know swimming, basketball, soccer, cycling, etc.

  3. Congrats for your results thus far. Yes you will lose weight, and even quite possibly within a month or two you will lose that last 15 lbs.

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