
Will I still be short if I work out

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Im working out everything




  1. no don't be ridiculous.

    help me please;...

  2. well, working out is not going to make you taler. but maybe the muscle growth will. idk i dont know anyone who has gotten taller by working out.

  3. i dunno.

    answer mine!;...

  4. yes. If you're over the age of 23, then you pretty much will not grow any taller, but if you are under that age, then you don't really know yet. Working out has absolutely no effect on height gain. Except for if you start doing it hard core to early you will stunt your growth. Watch out for that.

  5. Make sure to get a lot of sleep and drink lots of milk. Eat healthy and you should be ok.

  6. ok you totally stop growing when your like 20 even if you dont work out or anything but if your under that age yeah you will stop growing

    you have to be 20  cause you dont grow after anyways so the best time to work out is after the age of 20!

  7. Nothing I have ever read has mentioned that working out can increase your height.  Height is genetically determined.

  8. Working out doesn't stunt your growth.. but lack of adequate nutrition will. Make sure you are eating healthy food.. and Throw in some cardio with those workouts... the extra oxygen capacity helps recovery and that in turn stimulates growth too.

  9. dont listen to these babies, put as much weight as you can on and push ur self as hard as you can. most of the people in there are just saying excuses not to work out! GO PUMP SOME IRON SON! DO WORK

  10. if u are working on strength then yes. If you are toning , no.

    high reps, low weight =tone/weight loss/definition

    low reps , high weight=bulk/strength/huge

    I am 17 and have been working out 4 a year. a have been doing medium weight. I am 5'11 and am tallest in my whole family - 58 people.

  11. exercising has the change to increase your growth ability but you mainly grow while you sleep.  for instance coffee or energy drinks have different effects on sleeping so you might feel well but it'll tire down your growth hormones.  also if you exercise too much other than too get in shape you might start losing bone mass so you might get a bit shorter.  it's true when they say milk GROWS stronger bones because it might increase bone mass.  and actually i stopped drinking coffee and starting exercising normally and i grew half a foot in a few months or weeks.  my friend actually got shorter when he started working out too much.  good luck

  12. lots of people are saying that working out does not effect your height. THEY ARE WRONG!! working out normally is good for you. working out excessively will stunt your growth.  

  13. you will grow if your body lets you and if you eat one of my dads friends grew 2 inches every month for a year and a half cuz he starved himself for sports then he got into the army and ate alot and shot right up so EAT if you arnt.

  14. well, it really depends on wat ur age is. so lets say if ur 16, then u wud most likely stop growing coz of ur workout. but if ur 25 or sumthing, then theres nothing 2 worry bout since i think bout that age u should've stopped growing by now. hope that helped! =)

  15. Yea, you're short, and you'll always be short ... but some great people were short ... like ... underdog, and ... Mr. Magoo.  

  16. why would you think you would get shorter no you don't get short who told you that  


  18. Yes, working out rigorously stunts your growth and could actually cause severe irreversible problems to your joints (knees, elbows, fingers...) and could cause damage to your spinal column. If i were you id wait till i were 18 and grown to my fullest potential, besides, muscles dont look good if youre the size of a q-tip

  19. It could be so, my friend started working out since the age of 17 and he stopped growing completely. Before that he was the tallest guy in the class. If you want to grow taller, I advice you going to the swimming pool besides weight training. Read more about it here -

  20. The answer is 'it depends'....It depends on your age,overall health and genetic backround,diet and many other factors.The type and amount of excersising would be a factor too.

    However,it sounds like you just want to change your appearance.Being in good health and good condition is a great start. A good outlook on life and a positive attitude will go alot further in impressing the girls than being 6 ft 4 and hunky. Enjoy yourself,enjoy life. The rest will come if you do.....

  21. no

    definitely not

    i constantly play soccer and i'm almost 14

    and 5'11" and still growing an inch a month

    no doubt

  22. unfortunately no working out has nothing to do with height my recommendation don't drink a lot of coffee and eat more vegetables and fruits xD  

  23. Working out will neither increase or decrease your overall height.

  24. Sorry to say, but no matter how much you work out it will never change you height.  You can change you body image, but not the height.

  25. Working out has no connection to your growth at all:your genes decide how tall you get.


  26. Working out will not affect your height.

    It all comes down to hormones, genes, and nutrition.

  27. If you are currently short, you will remain short from working out your muscles all the time.

  28. work outs that focus on building muscle will slow down your growth, because your muscles won't be able to get longer to growth with your bones, so your bones will have to slow down.

  29. Strengthening of the back muscles can give you a little height, up to one inch in some case, that is because it supports your spinal base better, now if you stop then you lose the height.  

  30. Yeah, after you reach your growth height you can only go in and out but not up and down.  Anyway, who cares lots of ladies like short guys, look at Napoleon the women went wild over him.

  31. nope

    answer mine?;...

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