
Will I still get my period.....?

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Will I still get my period if the time of conception is about 5 days before I am expecting my period?

I'm panicking here and don't know if I should be or not. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.




  1. Ovulation normally occurs 1/2 way between your periods.  For example, if you started your last period on August 1, you would ovulate around August 15 and your next period would start around August 29.  This is based on a 28 day cycle, every woman is different.

    Odds are that you would not conceive 5 days before you were supposed to start.  Are you sure of the day you started your last period?  Save yourself some worry and go ahead and buy a pregnancy test.  Wait until your period is due though, it will be more accurate that way.  You don't have to pay alot for them, alot of "Dollar Stores" have  them really cheap.

  2. You could have bleeding and still be pregnant, it is not uncommon for women to continue bleeding when they should have periods if they are pregnant.  That said, unless your hormone system is way off or you have super short cycles you would not ovulate 5 days before a period.  Ovulation occurs in most women 14 days before their next period will begin, or about half way in your cycle.  If you have 30 day cycles you will ovulat around day 16 if it is a 28 day cycle day 14.  The only way to ovulate 5 days before a cycle begins is if your hormones are way off because a menstrual cycle reguardless of how long or short has a very specific timing to it based on different hormones in the body.  Chances are you already ovulated.

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