
Will I still pass the physical at the MEPS center if I have hemorrhoids?

by  |  earlier

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I was talking to my doctor and he said when they were drafting everybody for Vietnam, he was in college but still had to take the Army physical. He said they checked for hemorrhoids and an enlarged prostate.

I already knew about the prostate exam but not checking for hemorrhoids.

If I would fail the physical because of having these, would it be wise to have them lasered off or whatever surgeons/proctologists would do BEFORE I go to the MEPS center?? I don't have a scheduled date to go yet cuz I asked my recruiter if I could have some time to review for the ASVAB.

Thanks for any feedback. Please keep it clean.




  1. If they are large, painful or you have experienced bleeding in the past 60 days it is disqualifying. The source below is the medical standard.  

  2. I have had hemorrhoids.....Many times hemorrhoids will "cure" themselves.....but you can have them removed in the doctors office fairly easily.... and without much discomfort..... (you do not need a laser.....they can be removed by almost any proctologist/doctor)

    It took me five minutes and I walked out of the doctors office.....

  3. Don't worry about it...just push it back in. If you want to fail the Army Physical. Just drink some vodka and prune juice, walk in with bikini underwear and wear cowboy boots. When the prune juice kicks in let everything fill up your cowboy boots and act as if nothing happened. This is a sure way of getting the boot!

  4. I don't think hemorrhoids are going to keep the MEPS from inprocessing you.  This is a malady that many people suffer from

    Good luck

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