
Will I test positive for THC if I haven't smoked for 6 months?

by Guest66421  |  earlier

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I quit smoking weed 6 months ago but about a month ago I was around others smoking it everyday for about 3 weeks. I have to take a drug test (the kind where they test your hair) in a few days. Do you think that weed could have gotten in my system from just being around and if so do you think it would still be in my system and i would fail the drug test




  1. It's certainly possible, but it also depends on how much you were smoking and for how long before you quit.

  2. If it was everyday then possibly. Obviously pot can get in your system if you're around people doing it, h**l just breathe in. Haven't you heard of a contact buzz? Smoking pot is for worthless pathetic excuses for human beings anyway.

  3. If you were just doing a UA (p**s test) then you shouldn't have a problem.  Unfortunately, any trace amounts of chemicals in your system will find its way out through your hair and stays there for YEARS!  The THC in the haze may also stick as residue to your hair and you may test positive for that.

    All in all, I don't think you're going to pass.  I'm just being honest but you may wish to tell your management that you quit smoking that stuff a while ago and am trying to continue on the right path for yourself.  They may be willing to make an exception and show some support.

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