
Will I turn out like this guy if I do drugs??

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By The Associated Press


MODESTO, Calif. - Police say a man tried to cut off his own arm at a restaurant in Modesto, Calif., because he thought he had injected air into a vein while shooting cocaine and feared he would die unless he took drastic action.

Authorities say 33-year-old Michael Lasiter rushed into the Denny's restaurant late Friday and started stabbing himself in one arm with a butter knife he grabbed from a table.

They say that when that knife didn't work Lasiter took a butcher knife from the kitchen and dug it into his arm.

Police Sgt. Brian Findlen says Lasiter told officers he thought he needed to amputate his arm to keep himself from dying from the cocaine injection.

Lasiter was taken to a hospital for treatment of severe cuts.

The Denny's closed for the night.




  1. Probably. And it's real embarrassing in the emergency room explaining it to the doctors and nurses.

  2. You might.  After all, who really knows how they'll turn out if they take this path or that?

    I like how to-the-point the last sentence was.  Made me chuckle.

  3. Amazing that he never figured out that death would be more certain if he bled to death, isn't it?

    I don't know if you'll do something stupid like this guy - you might just OD the first time and die.

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