
Will I wind up in a psych ward?

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I've had depression, ocd, panic attacks, ADD, and just various psychological problems over the years and now to top it all off i've been looking for a job after graduating from college 2 years ago. No one seems to want me and when they do, I have the attacks and feel paranoid in front of them and all I can think of is "god this is the most uncomfortable room i've ever been in". I've never been good with pressure. I suck with meeting people, talking to people, playing sports, and basically doing most things but now I have to make myself look able in order to survive and I really don't have the first clue.

Not only that but I went to a psychologist and he just kinda shrugged me off and told me that all my problems were due to a weak economy but I don't see how that can be true. I feel like i'm heading for a bad breakdown. The only thing I can do to relax is excercise and i've already lost 25 pounds in the past 2 months 190 to 165. I don't know how much longer I can go like this. Am I heading for something bad?




  1. Yes

  2. You are headed for something bad...  things like this never get better without help (whether it be professional or self help) You need to change the way you think of yourself, it takes time but it can happen.  Start going out even if you're uncomfortable, drink a little if you have to (not too much! lol) Socialize - make if happen.  Become a regular somewhere...  a small bar/cafe, a sports team, a bowling league...  anything, just make yourself go out and interact with people.  It gets easier.  

  3. You need to find a psychologist who knows what he/she is doing.  You may need some medication and counseling to help you get through this.  If you have a doctor he may be able to recommend someone.  There are probably also internet sites, which have information and there may also be support groups in your area.      

  4. Why not get a job in the exercise field? You are being successful there and much is done in small groups or one on one? You can help others while helping yourself.

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