
Will IVF have the same chance of working if I have had Chlimidia in the past?

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About 4 years ago I was diagnosed with Chlamydia. I had it treated, however, it is unknown how long I had it for before receiving treatment (my ex had been unfaithful for a number of years).

My husband and I are now trying to start a family. I have PCOS and have been told that IUI or IVF will be our options. Is my past history of Chlamydia likely to reduce our chances?




  1. hi there, it'll reduce your chances a bit, but it's definitely not impossible, science is on your side and IUI and IVF can help, perhaps you can start with can find others going through this situation and also ask fertility specialists online for free for advice on your situation, try

    good luck!!!

  2. It depends, with the IUI, if your tubes were damaged. Chlamydia can damage your tubes causing them to block at the ends. Has your RE checked for blockage? If your tubes are clear, then IUI would be a good option, if not then IVF is the way to go and having Chlamydia in the past will not reduce your chances. In general, IVF success rates are excellent in cases with infertility caused by PCOS. Before you consider doing an IUI, I would have your RE do a Hysterosalpingogram to check for blockage and have that cleared.

    Best of luck!

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