
Will India emerge as as Devoloped Country or not??

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Will India emerge as as Devoloped Country or not??




  1. of couse it will

  2. depends what you mean by developed. May be after some time people will have enough money but their attitude/nature still stinks. I m Indian too and I m sorry for it.

  3. Yes.  India are on their way to become the most developed country

  4. it is declared developed already..

  5. of course it will.

  6. their on pace to

  7. it already is

  8. yes it will, keep your fingers crossed

  9. why wouldn't???????

    I bet u if each individual is educated and everyone works for the country it will definitely in the upcoming years.

    The main thing we should first do is tothrow all the politicians out  

    of the country!!!!!!

  10. why wouldnt it??

    we indians have got all the potential and we can throw out all our problems...

    our only problem is some sick stupid politicians and poverty...

    m sure we will overcome soon...


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