
Will Indianapolis Colts sign an offensive staff as head coach? – NFL Feature

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Will Indianapolis Colts sign an offensive staff as head coach? – NFL Feature
A couple of weeks ago the Jacksonville Jaguars unveiled their new head coach, Mike Mularkey, who before joining them, was an offensive co-ordinator with the Atlanta Falcons.
The team was clear in their strategy of seeking to hire an offensive coach from the very beginning of their search.
Now it seems the Indianapolis Colts are aiming for the same.
They have not spoken of bearing such an ambition openly. Their hunt for a new head of their coaching department is at least focused on the possibility.
Indianapolis is reported to have interviewed offensive co-ordinators from a couple of teams, but no one is tipped to be the leading the prospects, so far.
Since the team has not come with a clear strategy of hiring an offensive coach, it is not a hundred per cent that they will go for only offensive staff to be leading their head coaching position, but is more likely than otherwise.
One of the leading reasons behind it is their eligibility for recruiting a new draft pick.
Almost all of the prospects in the National Football League (NFL) draft are experienced amateur players having played college football league at their respective institutions, universities and colleges.
The NFL has draft rules in place as the main rule is that the team which finishes the season at the bottom deserves the top draft pick from the college league provided the player decides going pro.
This year’s undisputed top draft prize is Stanford College’s quarterback, Andrew Luck.
The Colts, who ended the 2011 NFL regular season with two wins and 14 losses, are eligible for him.
The team has not spoken of their ambitions of doing so, despite that the player has confirmed going pro when the season starts. All of the Colts post-season actions lead to the conclusion that they will draft the rookie into their side.
Their search for new head coach is moving forward in the same perspective. It was their former coach, Jim Caldwell, who is credited on bringing their current regular star QB, Peyton Manning, who is nearing the end of his career.
The Colts will be interested again to have a coach who is helpful in training and grooming of their future QB. With the apparent focus on the offensive, they will serve their cause best.
The possible hiring of an offensive coach stand benefiting their future offence attack line, which is most likely to be leading as their new quarterback.
A couple of teams have experimented with this strategy before and were successful in achievement of their set targets.
The Jacksonville Jaguars are the latest outfit to have done so. The next football season is likely to confirm if they were right in making their choice in favour of an offensive coach.
Indianapolis is expected to come out with clearer in their strategy after they are over with the issue of Peyton Manning.
Manning has not played a single game or practiced with them during throughout the past season. There is no confirmation if he will return next year as the team faces a choice to make him the payment of $28 million in bonuses and let free agent in April this
It will be clearer then if they sign the new draft pick. So far, the team has neither denied nor confirmed his recruitment.
If Indiana goes with their apparent choice of having an offensive coach on the side, it will be the right decision and will benefit them and the new player in the longer run.
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