
Will Iowa help Romney?

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Will Iowa help Romney?




  1. No.  Coup d'e-tat, yes.

  2. Past experiences lean towards yes.  However, this primary is unusual.  Romney has to take out Rudy in order to get the nomination.  Thompson, who may or may not be a candidate, will most likely enter once either Romney or Rudy has taken a clear lead . . . leaving him one opponent instead of two.  The early candidate announcements coupled with the unusually scheduled state primaries could shake things up enough to make the straw poll irrelevant.

  3. Can't hurt him.  I think this year is a little different though since Thompson, Rudi and McCain didn't participate.

  4. Not as much as one might think. He spent the most money out of everyone there busing people in, hiring professionals to help spread his word around Iowa, bought people there tickets to the debate. Was there for months rallying, TV ad campaign and only musterd 31% of the vote.

    I think the big surprise was Huckabee and Ron Paul. Huckabee spent very little and somehow placed second in the poll with 18.1%, a very good showing. Ron Paul was only in Iowa a week before, spent the least of anyone that was present and placed 5th with 9.1% of the vote, well above the predicted 1%, looks like some of those online "spammers" showed up.

  5. One can only hope not.

    He is terrible. I am still sick over what he did with his dog and how he won't admit that he made a mistake. He changed his position on abortion. He is an elected politician. How dare he change his position on an issue that is important to voters. He is guilty of not knowing who he is and for not having the courage to be who he is. He is not an honest and forthcoming person. He is a coward.

  6. When was the last time winning in Iowa hurt a candidates chances?  It sounds like a big "duh"!

  7. It is an interesting development and will have to see what happens next.
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