
Will Ireland be miserably cold in Feb.?

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Will Ireland be miserably cold in Feb.?




  1. not if you are fromm chicago, boston or  minnesota. stay warm and keep dry and you will be fone

  2. not if you take a jacket.......

  3. Why sure and begorra, Joe, it'll be averagin' about 40 degrees Fahrenheit daily! It's a good idea to take layers of clothing and change whenever the weather does. As a general rule, always take rain gear with ya. laddie.

    The months of January and February traditionally feel cold and unpleasant. Due to the gulf stream, it never really freezes and snow is very, very rare.

    If there is a high pressure system, the days can be sunny and wonderfully clear. Days are still very short in these months, so January and February aren't the best for a cycling holiday, even if the weather is okay.

    Hoist a Guinness or two to warm up, is my advice!

  4. ah its always miserably cold anyway! November-February are probably the wettest months

  5. It will be rainy and cold

  6. yes you can be sure it'll be wet and cold (but not in the pubs)

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