
Will Ireland ever be free?

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I live in belfast and would love nothing more than to see Ireland free from british occupation does anybody think it will ever happen? After all it is our land!!!!




  1. Keep the faith.It's just a matter of time.Tiocfaidh ár lá.Yes it is our land and don't you ever forget it.We will be free.

    Who are these people saying we don't want the North?I've never met anyone here who thinks like that.What kind of traitor gives up on their fellow Irishmen and women?The ones saying that might as well be British themselves.I'm alright Jack's forget the rest.Pfft!

  2. There is no British Occupation - The army has now pulled out of Northern Ireland and the watch towers have been dismantled.

    Oh, hold on a second, do you mean all the people living in Northern Ireland who consider their Nationality to be British should move out?

    The same British people who were born in Northern Ireland, whose parents, grandparents, Great grandparents and so on were all born in Northern Ireland?

    Don't be stupid.

  3. On a logical level, its actually unlikely.....considering Britain actually would prefer to let N.I go....

    Social welfare etc. is higher in the North than the Republic, so that would inevitably cause problems.

    Also, I heard that the Irish Government couldnt even afford to mention the risk of upsetting the d**n unionists...

    On the other hand, theres always that hope that we'll finally get what we always strived for

    I agree with Misty Blue - Tiocfaidh ar la!

  4. the Unionists  are still in the majority in Ulster. Until the Nationalists have the majority, in population terms, a referendum can be held and then they can win their freedom by the ballot box ( not by guns)

    Simple answer, keep breeding good Nationalist babies.

  5. well the 6 counties  in the north are only ruined by britain

    but i don't think they will be and tbh i don't really care if they are or not as do a lot of people in the republic

  6. bit 2 much 2 ask @ this stage...dunno bout up north but its sort of a taboo down south...never really mentioned. people have just sort of 4gotten bout it all...mayb in a few more years people will be able 2 face discussing it but i think most people are content wit peace...we fought 4 it long enough. i hope it will happen in my lifetime tho...

  7. ireland will never be free... we have greater problems than the british at the moment...

  8. Bloody Scones need to GO!

  9. Hi, I don't believe it will ever be, too much politics / religion etc.  And while they have it like this they have power over the people, sad isn't it, but true.

    I have heard Ireland is a beautiful country.

  10. Socialists commies like sinn fein will never understand the republic, we are not traitors just because we dont want the north, we have the right to choose if we want to inherit the increased tax burden of having the north.

    Its also not a matter if we can afford it or not.

    Typical shinners telling the rest of us we are not real irish as if they are the model that all irish people should aspire to. It would not be in sinn feins interest to be in the republic as nobody pays them any attention here(in the republic).

  11. If you have such a problem with foreigners living there, then maybe you should move to the Republic.

    But we got very tired of ranting lunatics like yourself a long time ago, so I wouldn't harp on about the whole freedom thing anymore. Ancient history at this stage.

  12. Sorry, News flash Britain and the Republic don't want us.  we're too much trouble and too expensive.

    Britain have been trying to get out of N.Ireland for years but the unionist population won't let them go.  And parties like FF claim to desire a united Ireland but this is just rhetoric.  do you really think the republic wants to open itself up to the quagmire of having to deal with a stronger SF and DUP in government?

  13. Do you think us in the Republic want to deal with the North or your problems, in theory yes, in

    In the long term possibly. Frankly most people from the south don't really care.

  14. If you want to be free then you vote to be free. I highly doubt the British would refuse to let you go. However clearly the majority don't want to be independent. If you are ever 'free' as you like to call it, you will be a free an independent Northern Ireland because the Republic isn't going to welcome you with open arms. You would be too expensive and not to mention the crime and violence that would break out if there was a change like that.

    Oh nad is for that c**p about 'it is our land'. I'm pretty sure you have British ancestors and I'm pretty sure that most of the 'British' occupants were born and raised in Ireland.

  15. What makes you think that the rest of the island wants Northern Ireland to be 'free' from British occupation in the first place? How much would that extra 25% of land cost in real terms? Could the republic 'afford' it? I actually don't think so.

  16. i live in belfast too, but am from the south and i assure you that you while the south has caught up on the north and is much richer, the people in the north do not know how lucky they are.they dont have to pay 50 euros everytime they see their gp, they dont have waiting lists that last years, everyone no matter their area gets quick and good health treatment, schools are excellent and medication does not cost a fortune.however we can all see that england is getting poorer and poorer and the english resent excess money going to the northern irish, the scots and the welsh (about they paid us back) so, because of this england is putting less and less money in the north and at some stage, the north will be dumped by england.

  17. Doubt it will ever be free which is a shame and your right it is our land x

  18. not in our lifetime maybe a few years down the road

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