
Will Israel will strike Iran by the end of this year?

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and will they do this once they know who the next U.S. president will be, with a President Obama ,are they more likely to strike Iran or less likely with a President McCain ?




  1. Yes.

    They have already stated publicly that they are waiting until after the elections.

    They know that Bush will send more Americans into another lost war for them.

    They also know that President Obama will be stuck with the mess.

    But then, Bush has caused many messes for President Obama to clean up in order to restore honor and dignity to the White House and to restore America's standing in the world.;

  2. that depends.

  3. If they are fools.

  4. Yes, probably in mid October if it looks as if Obama will win because they not only want to hit Iran, they will want the American taxpayer to pay for it

    in the form of military grants and aid just in case things get messy which

    according to my crystal ball, they will.  The Israeli neocons think Obama is too "soft" and really might want  to change their carte blanche in the region like how Clinton made them at least pretend to toe the line he set down instead of the other way around.

  5. They are the only ones with the kahoonas to strike Iran

    If they do it with McCain at the helm they will have someone to back them up but if the great coward, Obama gets in they will still strike Iran but the US will turn it's weeny back on them. that will be a grave mistake on the US's part but the Bible is clear that this will happen. People better wake up and start seeing the big picture here...while they still can.  

  6. Another biblo-nut above me. Bible predicts it BUT there was no Iran or Israel then. I heard one of the fundie preachers mentioning 'Russia' and apparently to find Russia you have to look in the KJV, one of the weakest translations. That is there was no Russia then.

    There are a lot of scenarios, seriously. A lot going on behind the scenes, so far behind the scenes Bush agrees. If it wasn't for the US generals or hierarchy Bush already would've attacked Iran. Military had to open another front against neo-cons, to contain their ill ambitions for Iran and are still trying to contain them.

    Admiral Mullen warned US can not afford to open up another front, and told Israel the same thing. Defense Secretary Robert Gates warned a war against Iran will be disastrous on many levels. Gates also warned of the escalation, that it might lead to regional or worse world war.  

    Israel is ready, they have made it abundantly clear. Even their deputy prime minister said there will be attack on Iran in the future. There prime minister is constantly pressuring Bush to attack Iran.

    Cheney and Co in turn are trying to find ways to provoke war against Iran. Many meetings were held to decide how to provoke Iran. One dead brain Cheney idea was to send marines on boats painted as Iranians and fire on US ships. Hence kill your own troops for a casus belli against Iran. There is simply no doubt about it neo-cons are anxious to attack Iran, and there fear is if Obama gets elected he might not take a hard line.

    The window of opportunity being discussed is around October. Somebody in Israel is said very short period is left for Israel to take action, meaning before January.

    You can bet if McCain is elected there will be an attack against Iran. No doubt! Of course US directly or indirectly will be embroiled in that conflict. There are other problems what if countries like Russia and China side Iran, than staying neutral. Russia-US relations have been deteriorating.

    The price of OIL will sky rocket (which of course Bush has no problem with). The biggest problem is US economy. Not only it will be affected by high OIL prices, but US economy is in recession. US has the highest deficit in history(trillions). Cost of Iraq war is over half a trillion, and is being paid for by borrowing money from China.

    So where is the money going to come from for another war. There is no doubt another war like Iraq will mean death sentence for US economy . . . . and I see no reason to drown well being of US for another country thousands of miles away from US. Israel is NOT the 51st of America.  

  7. The answer to your question is perhaps if Iran's President Mahmoud

    don't shut his mouth. Every day I get Alerts for what is happening in Iran, and he is always calling Israel swines, and their time is up soon.

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