
Will It Grow More? Any One Please Answer?

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Im Gonna Turn 16 and my p***s is only like 3in soft and like 5.3in when hard and i dont know if its gonna grow more and if that its at a normal length.




  1. Tiny Tiny Tiny!

  2. Your p***s grows steadily until you are about 22 years old !! Be patient ☺and be good!!

  3. how did i get in mens health?!!? O_O


    and yes thats normal xD

  4. dont worry it will grow

  5. Males usually have another growth spurt at age 16, which can include additional p***s growth..just keep in mind that the p***s size is genetically if Dad or Grandpa has a small one then chances are you will too.

  6. You might get to about 6 by the end of high school.

  7. Have your DNA analyzed. You will not truly know unless.

  8. It stops growing when you're around twenty.

    But, who cares?

    All the nerve endings are in the first two inches of the v****a.

    Any girl that really liked you wouldn't care about your p***s size.

  9. that is on the average size and sorry but it probably will not grow anymore by the time you are 16. good luck with that buddy and be proud of what you have worrying about it will not change the outcome at all.

  10. it may or may not grow any more its different for everyone i wouldn't be to concerned but you could always ask your doctor and don't be afraid doctors have heard it all and they will be able to give you a better understanding of your personal areas

  11. in addition to what other people are saying if you are over weight ( a lot)  your p***s will be smaller

  12. It's not the size of the's the motion of the ocean what counts

  13. im 14 years old m8 and my p***s is about 5'4 on erect....

    hope that helps and makes u feel smaller ^^

  14. That's smaller than average for your age. 6 inches is about normal. Don't let that get to you though. You still have plenty of time for it to lengthen.

    Let me know if you have any further questions.

  15. oh you are perfectly fine ,for sure do not worry and also it will stiill grow  

  16. mines 19 ft. in your case tie a hotdog around it.

  17. eww. everyone is so obsessed this is like the 15th question i saw. does it matter if your gonna grow? i mean maybe if your doing likee 148589843287236346546732 girls tonight but i highly doubt that.

  18. yes and that is normal  

  19. chances are since ur only 16 it will grown, u have till what about 25 r old befor u stop growing

  20. Woah, Weird topic..

    It should?

  21. why do you care if your p***s is small. Is your hands too big for it? Why should it matter?

  22. totally normal ;) im sure you're not alone  

  23. Size is not important! Don't worry about it!

  24. this is a weird question but , its genetics so wat your dad got you will have

  25. kk the average size of a p***s is about 6 inches but the median is closer to 5 inches(therefore most peoples p***s is smaller then average). Its okay to be under average. BTW most woman agree that its not size, but shape. And you will prbally still grow about 1 more inch by the time your 19 when you stop growing.

  26. maybe

  27. you  grow a LITTLE more but dont get ur hopes up

  28. you still have a lot of time to grow. and yes it is normal.

    e-mail me if you have more questions.


  29. You are normal as of right now. No one on here can guarantee you that your package will get larger. Just because guys do not stop growing until age 21 does not mean that their package will continue to grow extremely huge. I wish you the best of luck and by the time your done growing it will probably be 6-7 inches. GOOD_LUCK

    But really the package size is not always that important; it is how you use it!!!

  30. First of all, a lot of folks keep growing into their early 20's so you still have plenty of time.

    Secondly 5/13" while not big is also not small.

    I know that's probably not a lot of consolation but you still have some gowing to do.

    Believe me you're gonna be fine.

  31. Totally normal.  Don't worry about it.  It's a pretty average size.

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