
Will It Ruin My Relationship With My Mom If I Tell Her I Like Diapers

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Please Help Dont Be Mean





    you're messed up

    lmfaolmfao i sent this to my friend. she laughed too :)

    You're 15, grow the h**l up.

  2. ummmm....she's your mom she should love you you no matter what.

  3. Can you not just keep this to yourself?  If you can't buy them on your own deal with the underwear until you get a job and can afford them yourself.  This is a common fetish, don't confuse it with normal day to day wear to work clothing or something! Your mom doesn't need to know your every freaky thought!  

  4. It depends on her, go to a website where there are people similar to you and talk to them about it. Or try and google it. Be careful, I know you're being yourself but it is something people may not be used to.

  5. lol, it shouldn't.

    she might not take you seriously though.

    but honestly.......

    the whole sneaking and pooing in them is just wrong.

    i don't see why you do that at your age.. its something you

    have to grow out of.  

    do you drink water at night?

    do you not use the restroom before you sleep?

    do you have bad dreams, and get scared?

    avoid these things...

  6. Well you are obviously old enough to ask a question such as this one... so why do you need to tell your Mom anything? Does she regularly check your underwear? If so, I think you should be asking a different question. I'm sorry, did I take the fun out of tonight's trolling?

  7. If you are serious (and I sorta hope you are not) it might make the relationship with your mom weird, but probably not ruin it. Unless of course your definition of ruin means it changes or becomes weird. You have to expect that not everyone will understand the things you like especially if they are odd or unusual.  

  8. ok i am not being mean but wtf  i dont get the ?????? be more pacific and how old r u  

  9. LMAO!

    how old r u?

  10. Your diaper fetish is no more her business than whatever fetishes she has is your business.

    If you live with her and she happens upon something in your room, simply ask her not to the push the issue and that it's personal.

  11. What the **** do u mean???

  12. What do u mean, u like diapers? Need more info.

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