
Will Jim Rice make it into the Baseball Hall Of Fame ?

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If so when , maybe next year ?




  1. He came close last year and this year is his last year of eligibility, it appears that they will give him the mercy bid into the Hall after saying for fourteen years that he was not good enough...if he was not good enough the first 14 then what makes him HOF caliber this year?

  2. He should've been inducted already, but so should Gil Hodges and he's not there either.

  3. I've often wondered why a player, once his career is over, is not worthy of the hall of fame and then 5 or 10 years later he suddenly becomes worthy.  After all, his stats haven't' changed over that period yet suddenly he's declared, "Great" by a bunch of pompus baseball writers who never played the dam game yet feel they are deemed the "Holy Grail" of baseball.

    This has applied to many present hall of famers.  A player is either good enough or he isn't good enough.  The 5 year perspective waiting period is fine but beyond that it's politics.  The present system for voting stinks and it needs a complete overhaul.

    Yes, Jim Rice should be in the hall and I hope he gets in next year.  If not it will be up to the Veteran's Committee and their track record for voting players in has been next to "zero" these past several years.

  4. He should have been in long ago. The writers don't like very much for black players to be too uppity, though. That's the biggest thing keeping him out. Really, the voting method needs serious changing.  

  5. I hope that he does, but only if he is elected next year as a regular player's eligibility.  If the powers that be decide that he is nat up to the standards that should be it.  The veteran's committee was designed to recognize players whose eligibilty was compromised or those that were ignored for other reasons.  Primarily this was for pre-1930's and Neg**** League players.  Not so much for players that didn't make it the normal way.

  6. There are better players than Jim Rice not in the Hall of Fame. Rice needs to get in line behind them before getting elected.

    That being said...

    The 15 year eligibility rule is ridiculous. There's no reason anyone should drop off the ballot after 15 years. It arbitrary and pointless. The voting structure (namely the BBWAA), though flawed, usually elects the right people. Sometimes they get it wrong, but if you review who they've elected over the years there's far more good than bad. Almost all the ridiculous choices have come from the Veterens Committee (or whatever it was called at the time of a particular vote). It should be eliminated completely or retooled and used only for non-playing personnel.

  7. Yes he will...he should have gotten inducted with Gosse Gossage but the Writer's will make him wait one more year...Rice HOF 2009!

  8. Next year is his last chance hopefully he'll make it  

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