
Will Jimmie be able to take Lowes with him when he goes to Stewart Hass in 2010??

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Will Jimmie be able to take Lowes with him when he goes to Stewart Hass in 2010??




  1. I don't think the COT has any kind of  towing abilities.

    How much do you think a typical Lowe's weighs?

    You're drivin' em' nuts with this rumor JM!!!!


  3. Nope.  Bruton Smith said that Lowe's is going to stay right where it is.  That is, unless they don't let him build a drag strip there.

  4. don't you mean ryan newman? jj's

    not going anywhere. yet.

  5. He's staying at Hendrick, he's not going anywhere.

  6. there's a couple drivers who could replace dude at HMS that would make the #48 car another cup contender and JJ will be left in the lurch. He's better off staying with the powerhouse HMS

  7. God this is hilarious. That Johnson rumor is burning like one of those wildfires that you can see from space. BURN BABY BURN!!!!

  8. Where'd you get Stewart-Hass from? That seems like a bit of a stretch.

    If Johnson leaves I bet Lowes is going to try hard as it can to go with him.

    EDIT: Just something for thought here: Jimmie is best friends with Casey Mears. I bet if he does leave, what Rick did to Casey probably played a small part of it.

  9. Please... He isn't going anywhere. Go 48!!!!!!!

  10. Possibility..maybe, my opinion..this is silly season and every rumor that can be found is floating around..just cannot and will not accept that Johnson will go with Stewart/Haas.he is a  Hendricks Man!

    interesting question to ponder!!! give it a star!

    LOL @ Winter, quick it!!!

  11. i'm pretty sure he'll be able to take lowe's with him. as stewart-haas will be hms' new satellite team and room will need to be made for keselowski and cassill once mark comes in second in the points again and wants to try one more time, i think jimmie moving over to stewart-haas will be a great move. then hendrick will control two superteams with jeff, junior, and mark (plus keselowski and cassill sharing their new fourth car in 2010) as the main superteam and tony, ryan and jimmie as the other.

    what i wonder is since stewart-haas will "unofficially" be a hendrick organization (like yates with roush), will rick let jimmie take the #48 with him, and does jeff need to agree since he owns half of the car (24 of the 48 to be exact) and its merchandising as well. those are going to be some complex contract talks... in either case, when jimmie goes, if he takes the #48 with him, do you think hms will resurrect the #25 for keselowski and cassill to share? and if rick keeps the #48, will they get to drive it or will they move martin to the #48 and give keselowski and cassill the #5? and what number will jimmie drive over at stewart-haas if they can't get the #48?


  12. Yeah he will, whatever.

  13. He's staying with Hendrick

  14. Jimmie more than likely is not leaving Hendrick in his NASCAR Career, much like owner/teammate Jeff Gordon  

  15. That's the rumor going around...wonder who started it?

    I think these are funny though, other people are saying he's leaving too but not being serious, but yet more people think they are serious and spread it over and over and everyone thinks it's true.

  16. I heard a few weeks back that J.J is working on a life time contract with HMS, similar to what Jeff G. has. So, why would he go to a 'possible contender', when he is already with a 'proven contender'?

    Winter... you are getting 3 Cool Points for that reply! Nice one!!!

  17. he cant go nowhere

    gordon has ties to him

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