
Will Joe Biden Make Weight for the VP Debate?

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What's going to happen?

Joe Biden is a Light Heavyweight, he will be going up against a Bantamweight in Sarah Palin.

So how is this going to work? Is Joe Biden going to have to share the purse? Or is going to have to drop like 6 weight classes!

I wonder how they are goint o wowrk this out




  1. This is one of the best question ever asked. Seriously.

    Biden can not be too harsh because then he is being a bully, and he cant be to firm, because then he is sexist.  

    If he takes it easy they will call him a panzy.

    Biden is one of the best politicians of  our time, and he is being hindered by the choice of McCain.

    I guess his best hope of making weight, and Palin's best hope are the same.

    He has to cut out his tongue.

    It is Palin's only hope.

  2. He's screwed.  He's going to be eaten up.  Right now the Obama/Biden campaign is watching game film of Clinton/Lazio and Clinton/Obama debates thinking about how they can just lose that battle without losing the war.

  3. i think he's gonna have to gain weight to reach palin.

  4. For all her yapping and yelling, Palin can't hold it down like Biden can.  You don't know about him obviously.  He is legendary in his debate skill.  She has been a governor for 20 months while Biden has been in the most intensive debate environment in America for several decades.

    Speaking of Biden, here's some REAL straight talk you won't get from McCain about veterans:

  5. He's toast!

  6. Biden is a hot headed moron. Palin will rip him up.

  7. He's in for a surprise.  Hopefully he can get his thoughts coming from his mind instead of his rear... he has a long history of saying the most inappropriate things at the wrong time.  The p***i's @ Duncan Donuts in Delaware, Obama being a clean cut black man, proud to serve as McCain's VP, etc, etc...   If I supported the Obama campaign, I'd be worried!!

  8. well we dont know much about Palin in terms of high profile debates, so im gunna assume she does her homework, However, no matter how how much "weight she puts on" i think Biden gunna take her out it style.  

  9. joe biden is a drunk.  

  10. Will Biden still be the VP by the debate? I think Obama is regretting ignoring Hillary. This doesn't mean he will lose, just it's going to be a prize fight and not Dole vs. Clinton.

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