
Will Joe Biden be wearing Depends undergarments during his debate with Sarah Palin?

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After watching that outstanding speech last night....I think Joe Biden will c**p his pants during the VP debate !




  1. I agree! She's pretty awesome!  :D I'm glad she was chosen as McCain's VP. Great choice!

  2. Just as much as Palin will be wearing breast pads to fight back the leaking breast milk!!  Oh wait.....she is not even nursing her infant!  Bad Mommy-doesn't she know that breastmilk is BEST?

  3. No and I don't think Sarah Palin's daughter will be wearing any undergarments either. I heard she cant keep them on.

  4. No, you are confusing him with John McCain.

    You should not make fun of the elderly.

  5. No but John McCain will.

  6. Dude, he is SOOO OLD!! hahaha

  7. i think he wears them already...

    i mean the man is full of sh*t afterall

  8. Why: because a hockey mom with a bridge to nowhere and a knocked up underage daughter who followed the mom's s*x-ed advice will be wearing her power lipstick?  Ohhh... I'm sure Biden is shaking...

    Do you think she might condescend to discuss actual issues during the debates, or will she be talking about McCain's POW treatment all night again?

  9. and this is what you think we should be discussing to help decide who gets to run this country?

    and you want us to believe that someone like you posting questions like this is really smart and knows what is the best direction for the country?


    here is what I think bucko...I think you want to keep this kind of filth and distraction out there to distract americans from really think about the real issues of this election want them to forget for example that McCAin agreed with Bush on 90% of policy votes and would essentially be a 3rd term of the highly unpopular Bush unpopular that the GOP convention wlll not have a personal appearance by the sitting president Bush with his 28% approval rating and VP cheney with his 13% approval rating.


  10. You must be talking about McSame when he debates Obama

  11. It's so much easier to deliver "a great speech" when you don't have to waste your time worrying about the truth getting in the way.

    Sarah Palin will crumble like a house of cards because she will be called on all her lies and won't be able to think fast enough (due to her zero level of experience) to get herself out of it.  

  12. How about we discuss important issues instead of this childish garbage?

    Keeping America from becoming a socialist h**l-hole is too important to have this kind of nonsense going on.  You ain't helpin' any!

  13. Mccains is older and sicker than Biden and he is still the man for the Depends!


  14. I guarantee camp obama is in panic mode now for sure...they are scrambling to find a way for biden to not loose the election for's hilarious...the left is SCARED!! lol

  15. Like your crapping in yours now?

  16. Yeah, a veteran of six senate and two presidential campaigns is really going to be scared of a political neophyte who read a prepared speech.

  17. That depends on whether or not he is in jail or bailing out ANOTHER child

  18. He might have to due to laughing so hard at his opponent's answers.  I'm going to make popcorn for this.

  19. Oh sure.  NOW it's funny to make fun of a candidate because he's old, after McCain supporters spent months talking about how age doesn't matter.  NOW it's off limits to bring up a candidate's family, after McCain supporters spent months quoting everything Michelle Obama ever said.  

    These are the same old shenanigans I've come to expect from the GOP.  This is exactly what Bush did, and continues to do: accuse the competition of doing exactly what he did the week before.  It's doublethink!

    War is Peace.  Ignorance is Strength.  McCain/Palin in '84.

  20. Yeah, Biden is out of his league.

  21. HA HA.. be nice..

    I'm just waiting for the bigotry (or sexism) to ooze from his mouth, though... how quickly the Dems forget....

  22. It is obvious to even the casual observer that Palin will own biden at the debates, and probably obama too.Evident by the frothing liberal hate still being spewed forth about this woman.

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