
Will Joe Louis actually be sold out for tonight?

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It's kind of pathetic that this question even has to be asked. Shows how great the fans are in "hockey town".




  1. 1. Have you seen our economy?

    2. We have sold out the games.  The problem is the suits that buy the best seats are never there.

    A better question would be: Will Joe Louis be packed tonight?

    Added: That extra comment you made just proved how stupid, ignorant, and pathetic you really are.  I feel sorry for whoever your significant other.

  2. What he said ^

    It's even more pathetic that people keep asking this question w/o knowing the facts.

  3. i suppose wonderland arena is always sold out?

    must make you feel better knowing you only support a team when its winning. which makes you a loser ..........SLAP!!!!

    now don't take that L off your forehead till you learn to play nice

    And Alice...maybe if you did not buy that "Import" the economy in detroit would be much better

  4. Congrats how does it feel to win the award "how to make an a$$ out of myself in less then 30 seconds"?

    Next time you make a stupid assumption know the facts you pansy.

  5. yes.of's the stanley cup finals.

  6. It will 'technically' be sold out, but some people can't go, or try to sell their seats. People are making up excuses, oh it's the companies. Uhh no, that's not all of it.

    It won't be full, if that's what you're asking.

  7.'re saying that you would much rather go to a hockey game than buy gas to get around? Or better yet, buy food and other basic life necessities? I guess that shows how hardcore of a hockey fan you are, but that's pretty stupid.

  8. Eff off ******.  You don't know ****.

    You see empty seats, that is because corporate jackasses buy them up and don't go.  If you look at the seats that are available to the public, they are always full.

    You should really know what you are talking about before you spout off bull**** like that.

    Are you willing to throw $600 per person (ticket, gas for those NOT living in Detroit, food, parking) to watch a game.  I know I will enjoy it just fine in my own house, a friend's house, or a sports bar.  What are you going to do???  Spend $600 PER person on a GAME, or are you going to buy FOOD for your family.  Hmmm... let me think.  I guess you would say "s***w my family... I want to watch the game.  They can eat another month."


    Remember, we actually have fans OUTSIDE Detroit.  Can you say the Pens has fans outside Pittsburgh.  Probably not.  They would be Flyers fans.  We all know what it took to even keep your loser team in Pittsburgh.  It took Bettman's evil genius to get you like 5 #1 picks.  If you argue that, well then it took your team to suck @ss on purpose for 5 years to get all these picks.

    As a Wings fan I have never wanted a Series win more than this one.  Even more than any Wings/Avs series.  You Pens fans have been brainwashed into thinking the Pens are the prototypical team.  It doesn't really take much effort to have good players when you SUCK for so long, so that you get all these sure thing picks.  Soon you will see how a real franchise WORKS at making and keeping a good team.

    What happened after Lemieux and Jagr left the Pens?... Years of suckiness.

    What happened after Yzerman, Fedorov, Shanahan, Konstantinov, Larionov, and many others left.  We continued to be a great team because we have an organization DEDICATED to finding real talent.

    ALL OF YOU ^*&%&^%'s out there can eat these words when Detroit is drinking from the Cup.

    Oh, and in case you care...  EVERY GAME HAS BEEN SOLD OUT THIS POSTSEASON!!!!

    That last comment really shows the ignorance you have and shows that you shouldn't be allowed to speak.  They may be from a different area you live, but they are... get this... your fellow Americans, I'm assuming you live in the U.S.  Ragging on an area because their economy is bad is the epitomy of classless acts.  Yes, the economy is bad... they are able to live, but like I said above... Are they willling to spend a weeks pay for one person to go to the game, probably not.  But how does not being able to afford tickets affect their dedication to their hockey team.

    Are you saying that EVERY Pens fan is able to afford a Stanley Cup Finals ticket.  And if they can't afford it, then they really must not be a fan.

    IT'S REALLY TIME FOR YOU TO SHUT THE **** UP.  This is a hockey series, not a "my city is better than your city" series.

    GROW THE **** UP B!T*H.

  9. What a joke!  Have you gone online to get tickets?  You can't even get standing room only!  The Joe WIll be PACKED!  Dertroit has REAL hockey fans not like the banwagoners in other US cities!  What did Pittsburgs arena look like a few years ago, or Florida, Nashville, Columbus ect?  I'll tell you, it was full of WINGS fans!

  10. Hey Dewman,

    Its always great to read something from someone trying to make a point so hard.  Can Detriot win it yes, just as much as the Pens.  See before the salary cap the Pens were bankrupt and a struggling team.  Yes many years of a losing season.  Yes we have had our share of draft picks but a good coaching and scouting staff to go along with that.  Detriot on the other is more of the New York Yankee's type. Over paying and buying cups.  How high was your payroll compared to ours in the last 15 years.  That makes it real competative dont you think.  You seem to be very confident in your team and thats great.  I am also very confidetn in my team.  We have a great amount of support out here and in many other citys. Look around people through out the country our Pittsburgh fans weather it baseball, hockey and football.  And not only have we sold out our post season in minutes. We have sold out every game in the last 2 years.  Thats an accomplishment.  You might not be a fan but the hard work this team has put in ...well   look at the result.  Win or Lose, I am happy we made it man.  Its been awhile for us.  And the hatred that you deny yet embark is not really there for me.  detriot has a great team and if we lose we lose to a great team. I cannot say this about all teams. very few actually.  I have been counting down the days...Today is finally here.  Good luck to you guys.  I hope and beleive it should be a great final....

    As for the fans outside of Pittsburgh comment look at the sales for Pens merchindise.  It has went up over 140% this year,.  60% being shipped to other states (maybe Detriot), Cananda and Europe.    LETS go Pens......

    Dewmen thank all the Pens fans for selling out the rink tonight

  11. Yes it will be a sold out game.

  12. I am assuming so.

  13. Your screen name says it all.  You really are in a wonderland.

    Andyjtay, you crack me up.  Over buying players and buying cups?  Ha!  Do you remember after the salary cap, how many people said "Detroit's done" "They're too old"  blah blah blah.  Let's take a look here:

    Years of sucking have earned Pitt 5 1st round, top 5 picks.  Most popular, Crosby and Malkin, who are the two superstars being compared in this final to Zetterberg and Datsyuk, Detroit's two superstars.  The funny difference?

    Crosby #1 overall pick

    Malkin #2 overall pick

    Datsyuk #176 overall pick

    Zetterberg #210 overall pick.

    Think about it, the Wings have been great for so long, and continue to pick out superstars that other teams (ahem, your Pens) decided to overlook.  You want to talk about Detroit buying championships?  Why don't you take a look at TEAM unity.  I.E. Steve Yzerman and a handleful of other players WILLINGLY taking pay cuts in order to land Hull on the team in '02.  We didn't just offer him a huge contract, our players made personal sacrifices to better benefit the team.  Yeah, it was a high payroll, but to compare Detroit's 80M dollar team to a Yankee 250+M is ridiculous and a little bit naive.  Now that the Pens have sucked for so long and have good, young players to build up a championship caliber team, good luck trying to find diamonds in the rough, as Detroit will continue to do it for many years to come without ever having to sacrifice a playoff birth, or a threat to move out of the city.

    BTW, good luck on affording Hossa next season.  You talking about Detroit buying a cup is no different from me saying Pittsburgh aquires rental players to try to win a cup.

    Oh yeah, the comment about thanking the Pens fans for selling out the Joe is about as clueless as Alicias question.  Please do all us Wings fans, and the Pens fans who aren't homers and puck bunnies a favor, and make some sense when you try to make a point.

  14. Unless you're from Detroit and living here, shut up about the economny because you don't know jack and are only making yourself appear unintelligent.   Although the unemployment rate in Michigan is the highest in the country (around 7%), most people are still getting by.   We may have a bad economy, but we have great sports teams with the Wings and Pistons (I won't even get into the Lions)

    As far as the Joe goes, it is technically sold out, but with many corporations buying the good seats and never using them, seats end up going empty, which is a shame because I would kill for those seats!

  15. It must really suck to be so alone and full of hatred eh Alice.

  16. I do not know.  Both teams are really good!

  17. Once again, Joe Louis Arena has been sold out for every game this post season.  You can check on if you dont believe that.  Some of the those empty seats are owned by corporations and those tickets arent available to the general public.  Many of the other empty seats are bought by ticket brokers and they charge outrageous prices for them.  To answer your question though, yes, it will be sold out just like it has been for the previous games.  You really shouldnt make comments like "Shows how great the fans are in hockey town" without having your facts straight.

    Add:  Before you added that extra comment I thought you were just uninformed.  Now I can tell that you are an idiot.  What, people find an error in your statement so you attack the city?  That wouldnt happen if you stopped making stupid comments.  You think a city going through economic problems is pathetic?  I think people who go around making statements that they cant back up are pathetic.  I also think its pathetic when people get called out on their stupidity and they start throwing out insults because they cant come up with an intelligent way of responding.

  18. It is sold out every night.....empty seats does not mean that the seat is not bought.

    You are not a very nice person.....and I am surprised you are in a sporting section with the rest of the sports fans.....most of the people in this forum are educated and polite people.

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