
Will John Edwards be forced to get cheaper haircuts now that he has to pay for his love child?

by  |  earlier

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I know, I know, the thought is downright scary that the guy with the perfectly coiffed hair might have to make a sacrifice so his child can eat.




  1. First he will have to pay to have his wife's foot removed from his ***.

  2. I think he would look great with a Mohawk.

  3. haha, thats hilarious

  4. Given that some other guy is claiming paternity... looks like his hair will continue to get the best.

  5. No, he's a typical rich ambulance chasing lawyer, he has plenty of money to spare and at $400 a hair cut from his favorite g*y beautician proves it.

  6. No.

  7. LOL he is saying the child isn't his and I would be interested to see what paternity tests say.  I guess his mistress isn't going to go after child support on him or who knows he may just pay it privately so no one knows ya know.

  8. Knowing him, he'll find a way to keep getting the $400 haircuts and scrimp on everything else. Dude's loaded--he'll find a way to keep that hairdo Ken-doll perfect. Too funny!

  9. That's if it's his kid.  It hasn't been proven yet.

    The guy is hot!  He has nice hair.  

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