
Will John McCain be a better President because he was a POW? Please explain.?

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Will John McCain be a better President because he was a POW? Please explain.?




  1. Being a POW doesn't make one Presidential timber.  How McCain handled the experience demonstrates his strength of character and courage under fire.  When Putin starts in or Iran becomes a problem, McCain will draw from the well of courage and character to meet these challenges head on.  He has been tested on the field of battle and succeeded.  With Obama, we simply don't know what he might do under the pressure.  

  2. Not JUST because of that. It is because he has more overall experience in being a leader, and in military and foreign affairs. Being a CMH winner never hurts on one's resume.

  3. How does being a POW make you an expert on the economy, healthcare, etc?

    To the person above me: Obama graduated from Colombia, and like I said before, since when does being a naval aviator or receiving stars make you an expert on the economy?

    Military experience is not a requirement, nor should it be a deciding factor. Obama does not need military experience to get my husband's military vote.

  4. He will be a good President because of the vast amount of legislation he has worked on over the last 20 years. Also the 100 trips to countries all over the world.  

  5. Are you assuming no?  Because a couple of years ago, even the Dems loved him because of his anti-torture stance.  

    On top of that, any man who can take the punishment of 5 years in a prison camp, THEN WILLINGLY enters into politics is either a glutton for punishment, or someone who truly is concerned about America and it's course.  

  6. No.  He will be a better president and COMMANDER IN CHIEF because he:

    * Graduated from Annapolis Naval Academy

    * Served as a US Naval Aviator in Vietnam

    * Knows what it means to be put in harms way

    * Awarded Silver Star

    * Awarded Legion of Merit

    * Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross

    * Awarded bronze Star

    * Awarded Navy Commendation Medal

    What kind of military experience does Barrack Obama have to qualify him to be commander in chief during a time of war?  Oh that's right.....NONE!

    As far as how being a POW qualifies you to know anything about healthcare or the economy?  It doesn't.  But his 25 years of experience in the US House of Representatives and United States Senate DOES.

  7. No!!!!, but pretty soon the ads for McCain will be like elect John McCain he was a POW

  8. No

  9. He has more experiance than Obama does. That's why he will be a better president.

  10. McCain finished 894th out of 899 at the Naval Academy and lost five jets.  To lose one plane over Vietnam may be regarded as a heroic tragedy; to lose Five planes here and there looks like carelessness.

  11. I don't think the POW thing is the most important.  His years of experience and reaching across the aisle is far more important.  Obama has never reached across the aisle and I doubt he would as President..

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