
Will John McCain finally help us get rid of Affirmative Action? ?

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Do you think McCain will help us defeat affirmative action? I'm voting for McCain so he can end this c**p, that why I don't have to worry about hiring lazy people or women who are not qualified..

That's why I'm happy to donate to McCain.. I am already maxed out, but I'm finding other ways to give his campaign money.. Like the independent groups will accept unlimited amount of cash from anybody.. I'll continue to support them..

McCain/Romney '08




  1. I am not in favor of hiring or educational quotas but there is a lot more to affirmative action than that.  I am in favor of programs that might aid the disadvantaged in breaking out the cycle of poverty.  These are usually best done outside of the Federal government though..

  2. Hopefully he'll help us to reinstitute slavery.  Afterall, the constitution says non white persons are only 3/5ths of a person.  And we know that all minorities and women are lazy and are only qualified for servant jobs.  And they're not even good at those.  I wish they would all just die.

    McCain 08

  3. I agree we are done paying reparations.  

  4. A   man who pander to La Raza, who is silent toward the Mosaic model and lack a record of supporting, One nationality, one identity, over the destructive multiple loyalties and identities support by Bush and Obama

    Who can expect that he will see the Light?

    Sadly , he is not the only war hero , who joined PC movement

    Even, Senator Chuck , Viet Vet joined the crowd

    Sadly electing Mc Cain at least that he choose Tancredo  or Duncan as his VP , far to break the

    deadly spell of

    America ' fragmentation

    will be in that area more of the same

  5. Personally, I am against affirmative action.  Having said that, I don't believe that the President has his say so in this matter.  Congress makes the laws and they are the ones to target if you are so inclined.  The only power the President has is the veto, which can be overriden by Congress.  I support your choice for qualified leadership of our country.

  6. I'm surprised Obama wouldn't considering all the liberals state that he and his wife didn't need it.  So liberals even state it's unnecessary.

    Affirmative Action is racist against Asians too.

  7. Wow! You are one scary person.

    A vote for McCain is a vote for the continued ruination of our country and people. And no one wants that.

  8. Yeah, cuz women and minorities are never more qualified than a white man.  

  9. We need to get rid of Congress now!!!!

    Afirmitive Action is not what I intended when I was President.

    Mccain 2008

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