
Will John McCain get Hillary Clinton voters w/ his VP Pick?

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It seems that the Republicans will do anything to win this election. But thinking that picking a women to run with John McCain will get him Clinton supporters is smart but can backfire. Why would those who support Clinton, support a Neo-Con like Palin. I guess they figure that women just vote for women b/c they're women and never consider political ideology. Just like Black people voting for a Black person b/c their Black. Remember Alan Keyes against Obama in the Senate race in '04 and not that many Black folk like Clarence Thompson?????




  1. The Hillary supporters that will vote for McCain were never strong supporters of Hillary.  If they were, they would do as she is and support Barack Obama.  McCain choosing Palin is such an obvious political move.  McCain ran an ad after Obama chose Joe Biden as VP and not Hillary Clinton.  Well, Obama showed judgment when he picked Biden.  Biden has a proven track record, in particular, foreign affairs.  Obama could run a similar ad.  Why Sarah Palin and not Condi Rice?  McCain could have played both the race card and gender card.  His motive for picking Palin is clearly a move to pander to women voters.  This should send a message to women that McCain does not think they are intelligent enough to realize this.  Palin has been governor for less than 2 years.  Before that she was a mayor of a small town with a population of about 8,500.  She is supposed to be an ethical politician, but she is currently being investigated for abusing her power as governor.  She is not ready to lead if McCain were to be elected and pass away in office.  McCain has taken the experience argument off the table.  McCain did not show judgment by picking Palin.  He saw an attractive, young woman who he felt could win over women voters.  Well, I don't think they will bite.  McCain will regret his pick on election day!

  2. the truth is republicans or now in. without palin he would have lost. but the woman will put her in..obama is out. if you want to know the truth turn on your tv.

  3. Maybe he will pick up a couple thousand of them nationwide.

    He is sure to lose 100 times that many independent voters that are concerned about who will become president should something happen to McCain.

  4. Not the majority, but a lot of them.

    Not all feminists are liberal.  A lot of them are conservative women who favored Hillary because they wanted to see a women get in office.  

    A lot of Hillary's voters are blue-collar or small town people who don't like Obama but weren't sold on McCain.

    I think those two groups are going to switch over and in large numbers.

    The real coup in this pick are the Evangelical Christians and the second amendment crowd.  Probably 98% of them are now in McCain's camp.

    And who the heck is Clarence Thompson?

  5. She was a mayor of a small town 22 months ago.

    She is under investigation for trying to get her ex-brother in law fired. She will be under investigation over the next three months.

    She is the least qualified vice-president ever according to arcticles I have read.

    CNN said she might get a few Reagan Democrats... but most women wanted Hillary to win for her qualifications... and her experience... and they are not likely to vote for the republican party.

    Her selection takes away one of the best Republican attacks on Obama. His experience. She (as I said above) has the least experience of any... even Quayle or Agnew....

    Obama has over ten years experience in public office. He went to Columbia university and went to Harvard Law school. He taught constitutional law at the Law School at Chicago University for 12 years. Hes worked as a community organizer before and after Harvard Law School.

  6. A very small percentage, let's remember the issues don't change. I'm not that gullible.  

  7. I believe that he will get some of clinton's supporter just for the fact that they won't vote for obama. however, seeing that obama and Hilliary are uniting the democratic party, Hilliary supporters should think more of what is best for themselves and the next generation instead of seeing it as color issue.  

  8. McCain made a long shot move to win the election, and it probably won't work.

    With that said, it was probably his only choice.   He isn't going to beat Obama any other way.  This was a desperation move.

    I think he should have found someone a little more to the center to have a chance.   Palin's views are extremist, she's not a feminist by any means and she's unpolished.  This will do more to scare Hillary voters to Obama than its intended effect.

    Finally, McCain, Obama & Biden have all been under fire from the national press for a long time.    Palin hasn't, but will be for the next 60 days.

  9. Considering that Hillary and Sarah are 2 very different people, I do not think the percentage who switch will be large.

    I'm repub., btw and if I'd wanted a Hillary-clone, I would've voted for her from the start.

  10. Well the polls are suggesting that 25-48% more will cross the line.

  11. "if you want to know the truth turn on your tv".....LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL

    I think most people can see right thru this political stunt of a VP selection. I'm sure she's a nice lady, but give me a break. This is going to backfire in a major way. All those who have jumped on the McCain/Palin bandwagon 3 days after you met this woman for the first time scare me.

    Vote Independent philosophy not phraseology---McCain ain't a maverick, Obama ain't change. There are more than 2 parties ya knnow....

  12. No he won't.  She's anti-abortion, anti-g*y marriage, pro-gun, and under investigation for using the office for revenge. If you wanted to gain female votes by choosing a female, she wasn't the one to select as his choice for VP over the other moderate female VP candidates that had been mentioned.  He made a horrid choice.

  13. I voted for Hillary in the primaries, I am a libertarian who will vote for McCain/Palin now.


  15. I know this was not a well thought plan.

    WOMEN ain't FALLIN for McFallin

  16. He'll pick up a few Hillary supporters but there's a good chance he would have had them anyway. His choice of Palin will do more to sway independents and the somewhat disgruntled conservatives in his own party.

  17. yep

  18. Some.. yes.  

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