
Will Kerry Katona have to go back to her mums Caravan now?

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She's more skint than me ! lol..

good. the drug taking booze swilling pig .




  1. The way she behaves in public most of the time I would think she would be well suited to a caravan life style.

  2. hi f***y, if she is bankrupt, will she have to sell some stuff to clear the debt, which way does it work

  3. About time!

    Now for the poncey, overpaid footballers...

  4. she owes £82,000?

    It doesn't take a genius to work out all she had to do was sell a few of her cars and motorbikes and that would be paid off!

    It's hardly worth losing your home over

    she's an idiot

    I think if it's true then she was obviously in total denial about how big the debt was

    I watched one of her programmes on MTV while ago and she was laughing about the bankruptcy stories then went on to talk about buying her husband a new porshe (which she did)

    somethings obviously not right there

  5. As the saying goes "The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree" The little chav junkie must be panicking about her next fix

  6. Does anyone really care? lol

  7. Just look at the total waster that she is married to!

    I am sure that all of those who took her money with gusto will help her out ....... or NOT!

  8. I think you know my feelings and opinions on 'celebrities' and the muppets who buy into their stories.

  9. That was mainly down to her husband, he took her for all he could get.

  10. Her hubby will soon be off now the cash cow has dried up!!!!

  11. there is one thing evident over many years of useless celebs and others in that the likes of max  clifford and such never let them fall some group or body of fund directors make sure money is made from the announcement of the bankruptcy to the stories in mags newspapers and other media and once again another million is made from idiots buying c**p mags to ensure her dumbo hubbie has another brand new whatever to flaunt in the face of those that paid five quid for garbage wouldnt be so bad if there was an ounce of talent in any of those put together muppet shows what a good job a mixer desk can do

  12. So she is being sued for bankruptcy but still has the funds for liposuction and a breast reduction.

    Maybe she just just eat less and save herself some money.

  13. She'll bounce back. Hopefully without the lying cheating leach of a husband. She has a lot of assets to sell so will just have to sell a ferrari or two.

  14. One S****y plumper that girl is!

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