
Will Kevin Youkilis break 30 homers this year?

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At the plate, I think Youkilis is having a great year so far. Do you think he can club at least 30 homers before the year ends? I know that we usually don't think of Youk when we're talking power hitters, but this guy's hitting pretty well right now.




  1. I don't see Youkilis hitting 30 homers. He didn't hit 30 homers in 2006 and 2007 combined, neither being an injury shortened season. at 24 now, he'd have an outside shot if he went on a home run hitting streak, but i just don't see it happening. Like I said, he hit 13 in 06 and 18 in 07, not even totalling 30.

  2. Sorry to burst you're bubble, but Kevin Youkilis one of the most Overrated players in the game. If he didn't play for a Big Media Team like Boston, nobody will be talking about him.

    edit: He only has 22 HRs right now, Best Case Scenerio he ends up with 25 or 26 HR by the end of the season.

  3. Yes he could. In 152 games hes on pace to hit exactly 30 homers along with 111 RBI. Hes having a great year.

  4. I think he may have a shot at it. He's the type of player I wish we had on the Yankees. Guys that actually get upset when they make an out, and hustle down the line.

  5. I believe he can. I hope he can, I am from MA and he is hitting pretty well.

  6. and yet the playoffs are still just a question mark... Finally my Twins and Rays are showing up to play w/o their best players (even Torii Hunter from years ago)

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