
Will Kobe Bryant play Basketball until he's 40 like Michael Jordan did?

by Guest57805  |  earlier

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I think he will....Kobe keeps in top shape all year long.....he does'nt smoke or gamble all night like mj did either!

if he just stays away from Colorado he be ballin for at least 10 more years!...what do y'all think?




  1. high chance of that happening if nothing bad happens.


  3. None of us know the future.

  4. He will, he's noly 29. He came out of high-school, so he defiantly will. He will brake all of Jordan's records for points scored over 40 years old.

  5. no!!!!!!!!!!!! hes hurt like every season n instead of healing it he plays on it even when he doesn't need to..... hes a good player but not as good as Mike

  6. The only reason Michael played until he was like 40 is because he kept on retireing too soon. He should have never left the 1st time. And never came back the 2nd time. He did basicly save the game by coming back though. Everybody went to see him play. And it helped todays "super stars" cause there were players that could finally be seen as being as good or better than Michael. I bet if he had it to do all over again, he wouldn't have left the first time, & he wouldn't have come back the 2nd time. That baseball experience(all because he was greiving over his dad & his dad would have rather him have been a baseball player) was a disaster. And the Wizzards treated him like sh*t when they did not reinstate him as an owner like they promised they would. After he made $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for them & the nba by coming back, when he knew he wouldn't have a shot at another championship with that team.

  7. Who you think you are talkin about MJ being overrated. SO what if he smoked or gambled. During the off-season they're free to do whatever they want. He is only gonna last about 5 more years, he will want a trade he is gonna start demanding a trade AGAIN and then he will retire.

  8. He is gona need to play for 20 years to be as good as Pippen.  Pippen > Kobe.  Kobe got swept with Shaq by the detroit pistons in the finals.  Pippen never lost a finals game as a #2. Kobe lost has #2 and #1.  He should play until 65 years old.

  9. No.

  10. Yeah his 666 summer workout is amazing 6hr/day 6days/week 6weeks. He also has things like a great jumper so if he doesn lose his athletasism he can always be a spot up shooter, he has a killer instinct that never leaves.

  11. Maybe if he used STEROIDS like MJ did, he might last till 40. LMAO!!!



    Mr T .... You can kiss my black @zz you FOOL!!!!

  12. No he wont even MJ had to take a couple of breaks in between he will be lucky if hes as good as he is when hes 35

  13. I think at 40 he will be retired, at 38 he will be retired.

    Remember he played right out of HS has too many

    miles already. I say 34 and he is done. So 4 more years.

    last year at 34 will be part time player.

    Jordan holds 2 records most points by a 38 year old

    and most points by a 40 year old. MJ just did not play

    at that age, he was the best at that age.

  14. yeah he will cuz he thinks he's #1

  15. Hopefully not.

  16. basketball is Kobe's life and as long as he can move he will play.  he doesn't have a pleasant persona so he has to play until he can soften up with age.  then maybe he can do broadcasting or he will probably take the fam to Italy

  17. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...  i hate him soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much           goooooooooooooooo     tooooooooooooooooooooooooooo  gamble or somtin dont playyyyyyy basketballlllllllllllllllllll

  18. yea

  19. WHAT!!!! MJ sucks?? This guy above is an idiot.  even though my fav is Magic Johnson and Kobe, u cant say he sux he is one of the greatest ever if not the greatest ever as of right now.  To answer the question though, he could play that long but he started at an earrly age 18,  Jordan started at a later age and Kobe has been playing in the olympics and playoffs his whole career except like 2 seasons and remember that Michael Jordan retired too and had some time off so playing till he was 40 isnt as accurate as like how Karl Malone played until however old he was when he retired.

  20. why should he...he's smart rich he can get into other things..go to college and get a degree

  21. Idk maybe he will. If no serious injury occurs, than I predict he'll play until his late 30s like Reggie Miller and maybe into his 40s.

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