
Will Kobe get the respect he deserves and the NBA finals be forgotten when the USA team brings home the gold??

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thoughts on this??




  1. Why should anyone forget the Finals. Two very good teams met and one happened to come out on top. On any given night, some players exceeded expectations and some failed to live up to them. But that is to be expected. That's why players' stat lines aren't exactly the same every game. And you cannot very well assess a player entirely based on 6 games when he has played thousands in his life and will probably play more than a thousand NBA games over his career. On the other hand, you definitely cannot define a player by the 8 games he plays in the Olympics with superstars he is not really used to playing with against what is generally much weaker competition.

  2. Good question! I was thinking the same thing. But  once is was watching ESPN and Kobe was interviewed. In the inerview he was asked wha tmeans moe to him Olympic Gold, or NBA Championships. Kobe thought for a bit then he finally answered the Olympic Gold meant more to him. He said he chose Olympic Gold because it represents his country. The citizens of US probably think he same thing. Representing your country in basketball is much more than representing a state. So ya, Kobe will finally ge the respect he deserves when USA wins the gold.

  3. I think Kobe's image will definitely improve, esp. with him being one of the main leaders of the Redeem Team USA.  But ultimately, I don't think Kobe won't truly get the respect he really deserves until he seals the deal in the NBA Finals and win the Lakers a ring.  I think its unfortunate because he deserves far more respect than he gets.  We're talking about the best player alive right now and one of the best of all time in my opinion.  But that's just how the world of sports goes.  Hopefully, Kobe will become an NBA champion again this coming season.

  4. Kobe's general image will improve, but I doubt Lakers fans will forget the FLOP.

  5. Kobe fan.

    Anything else new??

    Just let him talk all he wants.

    These people are so obsessed with Kobe that I'm really sick of these questions. So just let him be. Don't even bother to argue, you'll just waste your time and gaiargument from a stupid arguement that will lead to nothing. Yawn.

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