
Will Kwame situation affect the Presidential race?

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  1. Go figure...he's a DEMOCRAT.  

    I live in MI (not Detroit) and I am sooooo happy that f'riggin loser is DONE!!!!!

  2. No not at all.

  3. no

  4. How is it that every person he knows can affect his presidential race and not others.  This is ridiculous.  He did not know what this man was doing behind the scenes and he did not condone any of it.  Why is it that every bad thing that happens has something to do with Obama.  That is totally unfair and just plain ridiculous....

  5. that's some change alright

  6. Thats like asking about Ted Stevens and Palin connection

  7. Dont forget about BO's other felon friend, Rezco.

  8. Unfortunately some white people link all black people together unlike whites.

    Mark Foley

    Larry Craig

    Tom deLay


  9. Yes it will, it will highlight how corrupt, incompetent and criminal blak "leaders tend to be, both here in america and in africa.

    there are  thousands of "marion barrys'" out there, all elected by blaks

  10. Obama '08

    Why? Because he is MUCH better than the same old bush tactics...

  11. So much for Kwame getting a cabinet post with the 'great' Obama

    McCain in 08  

  12. Its unlikely to affect it at all. And here's why:

    First, Kilpatrick is a Michigan issue only. While Obama might lose some support there, he has also distanced himself from Kwame for quite some time. That included a call for the Detroit mayor to step down due to his legal issues.

    Second, what the 527's are attempting to do is use the Rev. Wright link to Kwame to keep that albatross around Obama's neck. That ship has sailed.

    Kwame's issue will affect Obama no more than Ted Stevens will affect McCain-Palin. Most folks just don't pay that close of attention for it to matter, and in this case, that's probably a good thing. Michigan is still polling pretty well for Obama (2-7 pts), but to be fair there is nothing post convention or Kwame as of yet.

    If you want the positive spin, Kwame stepping down could help Obama's numbers in Michigan as it will remove a distraction from the equation and let Obama focus on his message instead of corruption issues with a supporter.

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