
Will LeShame play OVERSEAS when people don't know about him getting beat at Horse by an amature player?

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Will LeShame play OVERSEAS when people don't know about him getting beat at Horse by an amature player?




  1. Whatever helps you sleep at night MC.

  2. he is a bum. he will never win a NBA title, so he wants to run away.

  3. LeShame can play in the ghetto streets of NY, since he loves NY so much. he is the "Soulja Boy of basketball." ...a clown and a wannabe thug.

    you claimed that i will own a hot dog stand. that is not true. i am going to become the First Lady of the United States!! i think you're the hot dog stand owner.

    also, i have a ton of new (and really funny) questions about Kobe, but they got deleted. they were too inappropriate. check out my profile description if you want a good laugh.

  4. Ya..Lebron's career is over.  I heard he is retiring from the NBA because he lost at horse to warehouse worker that one a contest.

  5. lol LESHAME that's a good one i never thought of it before anyway yes he is going to play overseas with Kobe

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