
Will Little Big Planet help PS3 sales?

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will it sale more playstation 3s than metal gear solid 4 did?




  1. Probably not. Metal Gear Solid is a more well known franchise.

  2. it will help ps3 sales but i don't think as much as MGS4 and the only way it could do that is if they bundle it with no limited edition lie MGS4 i don't want to say it can't but it is unlikely but it will increase sales

  3. It has the potential to, but only if Sony advertises the living c**p out of it, and Sony almost never advertises. MGS4 however was a well known title with a large fanbase, LBP is not as known and doesn't have a previous fanbase. The next system seller for the ps3 will be Socom: Confrontation, there are a lot of Socom fans who have yet to get a ps3.

  4. Definately! i can't wait till that game comes out. it won't be as popular as MGS4 and GTA IV, but it's definately a must have game for PS3 owners.  

  5. will let see metal gear series has been out for 10 years and there are alot of fans at least millions of fan. and metal has some of the best graphics we have ever see. and metal gear solid 4 has sold 4 million copies and still. while little big planet is awesome don't forget no one actually play it yet.and i don't think adult are going to play a doll and build levels. but the kids will love it for sure. and the graphics is really good. the create a doll is awesome and the big massive levels are the best. but i don't think it going to beat metal gear solid 4.  

  6. depends. it will show everyone how through the sales how many ppl buy it how many wii like ppl there are and how many hardcore killzone players play the ps3. its prob gonna be the start of these type of games for the ps3 if enough people go and buy it and make it popular.  

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