
Will MUNSTER win there match this evening?

by Guest57209  |  earlier

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Will MUNSTER win there match this evening?




  1. I suspect they might win, but I hope the Scarlets beat them!

  2. No Munsters run in this years tournament will come to an end at fotress Stradey Park with the Scarlets wining the game 24 - 15 with a classy display by both their forwards & Backs.

  3. i hope so they have been going good lately i wonder will Adidas change the Jerseys much

  4. Yes of course!

    Seriosly who knows? I think they probably will but I am sure there are many Welsh people would disagree!

    Check out my little competiton, have your say on who will win all the matches;...

    The response hasn't bee too good so far, maybe 10 points is not the best prize ever

  5. They fought well, but I have to agree with Huw (me, agreeing with a Welshman of all things!) The Scarlets backs were classy and their forwards were phenomenal.

  6. Just who does Herman play for these days?

  7. not against the scarletts they wont- told you so

  8. Of course

  9. Yeeeeyaaaaaaaaaaa, they just lost, they was attacked from left, right and centre!

    No match for the Scarlets!

    I'm a ospreys fan!

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