
Will Madeleine McCann ever be found?

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This is such a sad story.

Im adamant that she will be found alive eventually.




  1. Some missing children are found years after they were abducted. I think that we all should be aware that she may be somewhere and continue to look for her as also for all missing children .

  2. Sadly I don’t believe she is still alive, with the worldwide publicity, Madeleine’s face with her fleck in her eye is know around the globe & for anyone trying to raise her as one of their own would never get away without at least one person spotting her.

  3. I do not think she will be found alive.

  4. Not at the moment obviously.  The evidence seems to say no.  With the parents, no evidence to support the fact they have done this, and they have been suspected over and over and nothing has been found.  However, alternative explanations...trafficers, etc....hard to investigate as Maddy has seemed to disappeared from thin air. Tough senario as it is easy to judge. My heart goe's out to the family, as the family extendss to not only the parents but to uncle, anties etc. Horrid situation...I would not want to be part, involved with it.

  5. Sorry but you are dillusional, I would like to think she is alive and well and safe somewhere without a hair on her having been harmed. But I seriously doubt that. If the McCanns didn't do it (even by accident) and some sick ba**tard had her, she WILL be dead, and I have to say that is better than suffering at the hands of child abusers!!!

    Peace for Maddie wherever she is.

  6. No I don't think she will be. She could be anywhere in the world and It's like finding a needle in a haystack. There is nothing more police or anyone else can really do. I hope more than anything she will be found though.

  7. I'm afraid that the evidence seems to indicate that she is probably no longer alive. The parents' lawyers now have access to the police files, but the reason they want to see them is to seek financial redress rather than continue to search for Madeleine. It's all about the parents reputations, continuing the search for Madeleine is a secondary objective.

  8. sorry but good luck.

    it's devastating that this beautiful young girl is probably dead because her parents couldn't stay at home to make sure their baby was safe!

    I admire your hope that she will be found alive, but I'm sorry, call me pessimistic, it aint gonna happen!

    edit: evening seven :).x

  9. I hope so her mum and dad have been punished enough now whoevver has her should just giv her back to her mummy and daddy where she belongs.

  10. The McCanns are unique in the annals of parents of missing children in refusing to answer police questions or help with a reconstruction.  They attacked the police from the outset and insist the search is only for a live child.  Their attitudes and actions closed the investigation.

    They employ a publicist to keep the focus of attention on them and away from Madeleine!!

    In law a presumption can be made as to why a person uses the right to silence!

    It is said that a guilty person takes the right to silence whilst an innocent person will not stop talking.

    If the parents are so against the investigation then the chances of her being alive must sadly be zero!!!!!

  11. seriously doubt it..but really hope that one day she will be found safe and well...wishful thinking?

  12. No- she's gone for good.

  13. like the diana case the press hype it up to sell more papers bad news sells more papers than good news .of course they will eventually find Madeleine and hopefully the papers will then say that they knew along that Maddies parents were not guilty and  how they the papers had helped to find her !

  14. I wish I could say yes to that. I sincerely hope that one day she will be reunited with her family and I hope that whoever took her is aware of how wrong a thing that was to do. I wish somebody just took her to the police or to the family, or to one of their agents, and she could be back with her siblings and parents, and get her family's love again. I will never stop praying until she is found.

  15. I'm not sure she will ever be found. Maybe the truth will be found, though.

    It is a sad, sad story.

    One can hope that eventually the inconsistencies are

    explained and circumstances that led to her disappearance are clarified.

  16. No. Evidence is to the contrary. Whether the body is found Will depend on how clever the perpetrator/s were.

    Edit: According to the Police report they have said due to the many inconsistencies told to them by the Mc's and their cronies, that an abduction was impossible.

    Edit: evening Dr Grumps:) x

  17. Hopefully.  Why are the parents always under suspicion for these things?

  18. i hope if someone does have her  they actuallty find it in their hearts to give her back...

  19. I read a blog that one of their friends is a peadophile! The plot thickens. They should do an episode of Psychic Detectives for this.

  20. well id say no now with the time scale it has been since she went missing,but in my heart i want her to be alive and found safe and well,as there has been cases similar and they have been found safe and im keeping my fingers crossed for her family.

  21. Only if the parents tell us where the grave is.


  22. no .dont you know the mccanns sold her to pay off the hotel bill really i think she is dead a gone for ever

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