
Will Mars build a protective shield to keep out illegal aliens from Earth?

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Will Mars build a protective shield to keep out illegal aliens from Earth?




  1. You mean probable microbes from Mars ?

  2. If people from earth colonize Mars, they will try their best to keep the rest of the people from earth having access to it. They will build a shield. If there are Martians, they would love to let people from earth in, because they might love to study us and learn the behaviour of those aliens, of whom they are not afraid of if they are more developed than humans. Otherwise, they will have a protective mechanism installed to prevent human aliens from entering.  

    However, since our machines are now roaming on Mars, it appears that either there are no Martians of if they  exist, that they are highly developed than humans. That is why nothing alarming happened so far.


  3. lol funny question... don't know quite what you mean though

  4. i hope not. cuz i want to go there sometime haha

  5. No, as their economy (built in the days of slavery) needs to have workers who do not benefit from the same protections afforded by law and by the Martian Constitution.

    So, Earthlings will go there, work hard long hours, some as "greeters" at the Zlontack-Flikz, so that they can send money back home on Earth.

    Sure, some Martians will try to put on a show saying "we should build a shield" and even have TV shows where they will say this same thing, week after week, in 52 different ways.

    Then one day, the Martians will elect a Jlotkwix whose friends are in the shield industry. All of a sudden, lots of public money will be spend building the shield, while secretly still allowing Earthlings to come in, in sufficient numbers to do the low-paying jobs.

    Meanwhile, the real high-paying jobs will have moved to Ganymede.

  6. no

  7. Great just what we need to boost our economy, an interplanetary war just think a few trillion dollars spent towards a war with the Domed Martian Freaks will do the world good, G.W. Bush could spearhead the initiative.

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