
Will Matthew Lloyd have a successful 2008 ?

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Matty had a few injuries, and was not considered to be at his fittest in 2007, even suggestions that he was overweight.

Will the new broom, shake up a captain ?




  1. As long as he can avoid injury he'll come good. He had an average year this year and copped a bagging from some quarters yet still managed to finish 5th on the goal kicking ladder.

    He's a good player (I'll refrain from saying champion, gets used too much these days) and too proud to have a bad season if he can control it.

  2. I reckon the whole team will have more success next year - now that Sheedy has been given the flick.

  3. All would depend on his fitness, but that is not a very good answer.

    I just think that Lloyd will be the least of the problems at Essendon. Sheedy was a winner from Richmond when he came to Windy Hill. Knights was a fine player for the Tigers, but not a winner. I know it is a long way until March, but Knights had better stay away from the Myer, DJ's, Target, K-Mart, they have sacks and store clerks that can fit you just fine. Somehow Bomber Thompson stayed away from the Myer in Geelong, the sack department, last year and didn't lose his job. I don't expect Knights to be the coach of Essendon very long.

  4. I don't think he will do well.

    I believe his playing days are over and now that Sheedy and Hird are gone he might be feeling a little flat.

  5. He will come good in '08 - He's a fighter and still has plenty to give..

    .. I really really wish he would stop that d**n annoying grass throwing thing he does before he has a set shot for goals - agghh!

  6. love to say he'll do good, but i cant tell th future

  7. That bloke must catch a lotta flies.

    I don't think I've ever seen him without his mouth closed.

    Chucking that grass up, even when in that enclosed ground gets up my nose. He and Buckley must be the umpires pets coz they only have to go near the ball and they get a free kick.

    I reckon he is too slow now to be much good in 2008

  8. Don't see why not. Started to show something this year.

  9. I do think he will have a better season in 08. An injury plagued 07, stopped Matthew from being at his best.  Suggested as being overweight, that's totally pathetic and stupid. Lookout watch this space..... Lloyd will be back in 08, bigger and stronger than ever.

  10. He's a great player and now he seems to have become a more mobile forward. I expect him to have a good season, and dont be surprised if he no longer just sits in the square.

  11. Yes he is training hard and looks to have a good season.

  12. no he will have a shocker

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