
Will Matthews, Olbermann and the rest of the MSM greet Obama tonight with gold, frankincense and myrrh?

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Will Matthews, Olbermann and the rest of the MSM greet Obama tonight with gold, frankincense and myrrh?




  1. They will kneel before the man and let their legs tingle.

  2. Yes it think so but now riddle me this:;...

  3. No but Fox will be there with McCain covering all 15 thousand who come drunk to the legion Ball Park where he acceptss his.

  4. Yes, and they will come bearing gifts, too. Olbermann will hold onto Matthews as he swoons and comes close to fainting with joy.  

  5. .. if they don't get in a fist fight with each other on screen before Obama arrives

  6. Yes and the stage was created by Britney Spear's guy so there will be a star in the east and angels standing nearby.

  7. They'll be just a favorable as Hannity is to McCain. You have a choice if you want more Rebulican biased coverage, watch Fox and quit complaining about MSNBC.

  8. Only if they're done kissing Hil's feet.

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