
Will McCain's Ins. Plan Cover Abortion - or Will Someone From Washington be Policing the Vigina?

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A McCain surrogate stated that w/McCain's plan the individual would own it & asked if we wanted someone from Washington in our Doctor office with us. Currently Washington plans pay for Viagra but not birth control - will that change also with McCain's Plan?




  1. Abortion is not birth control and it is not covered by health insurance as an ELECTIVE procedure it shouldn't be .

    Add: leave it to New Jersey to make it so that the tax payer pays for an abortion-

    Medicaid is state funded health insurance ( welfare)  try to get Blue Cross to pay for killing your baby

  2. what's a vigina???

  3. I don't know. Its all awfully silly anyway; politicians sail into office buying votes with gratitude, giving no thought to where their policies will lead the country in 30, 50, 100+ years. Not that I expect the United States under our current form of government to last that long. That's the nature of democratic republics.

  4. The Federal Government stopped paying for Viagra through Medicare or Medicaid, as a result of political hysteria, that convicted s*x offenders were being prescribed it. It's  one more example where politics trumps medicine, as in the abortion laws.McCain will be the Chief Policeman, because he agrees with these backward policies, which affect bot the poor and the elderly.Incidentally Federal Moneys cannot bu used to pay for abortions either.Some states like NY and NJ pay for abortions but cannot use Federal funds for that purpose.

  5. Your wrong tnfarmgirl abortions are covered everyday by  N.J medicaid .

    I agree abortion is not birth control

    but I like to think my 43 year old wife would be able to have one if she is  raped and became pregnant .  

    I support HER right to choose

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