
Will McCain's bizarre choice land him an article in the National Enquirer?

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Still amused that Republicans bought the entire "she a woman, therefore pioneer" line.

This looks like a surreal episode from Twilight Zone. Weird. I guess you can expect these kinds of stuff when you have an unstable out-of-touch old man like McCain doing the "decision-making",




  1. I think America has been under enough stress. This is almost too much to handle.

  2. I live in Alaska.  If Sarah Palin were the one running for Pres I would vote for her.

    She is strong, honest, down to earth, and intelligent.  What more do you want.

  3. No but it may just land him the presidency.

  4. According to Republicans (who happened to meet her yesterday) will probably try to add her into some sort of scripture in the bible.

  5. I think the Republicans are trying to sell Ice to Eskimos. This was a choice that may lose McCain votes this November!

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