
Will McCain/Palin win all 50 states in November, or just 49?

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This is going to be the biggest landslide since Reagan!!!




  1. Just Alaska

  2. i think your right it will be a landslid  but Obama will win 35 of 50 states

  3. According to Obama's calculation that would leave Obama with winning 9 states

  4. Yes.....

    Obama 1% and Mccain 99%

    Unfortuantely race is still an issue to many people.

  5. Yes you are so right Obama will be your president. As a Canadian I am relieved that your country will once again be respected under the hands of OBAMA

  6. Maybe they will win Alaska and Arizona? But I hope not.

  7. Can I get some of what you are smoking? Gotta be good stuff

  8. I believe that the split will be closely aligned to the Bush vs Gore election 8 years ago.  Florida may be, again, the pivotal state.

  9. The ticket will at least get one of the fifty states, maybe Arizona too.

  10. He'll get 50...Obama will the the other 7. ;)

  11. I predict that the split will be almost identical to the Bush/Kerry split, because almost nothing has changed politically or socially since then.

    McCain is basically Bush2.0, and Obama is a younger version of Kerry.

  12. Lets See McCain will win three states Alaska, Kentucky, And West Virginia I say NO HE WILL NOT WIN THE PRESIDENCY!  And you are right it will be the biggest landslide in history AS IN AN OBAMA LANDSLIDE WIN!!

  13. Try 20.

  14. have you really looked at the big picture. mccain and a woman . he is hoping for hillarys votes with a woman. is that doing the running right is this what this country wants is a woman . i would say not. hillary didnt get in. go with some know how as far as mccains  war time he was  a pow . and he believes in war. the reason bush and chenney like oil from the middle east they have mineral rights over there. lets produces our petrolem here not  buy it from a country that we are fighting with.  

  15. I agree with you. However I suspect Obama will win the following states

    1) California

    2) New York

    3) Massachusetts

    4) Rhode Island

    5) Connecticut

    6) Illinois

    7) Washington (potentially)

    8) Oregon (potentially)

    9) Delaware

    I believe most of the boarderline states will go McCain / Palin. My count McCain will 41 with a 9 max going to Obama

  16. 49

  17. yes it will be interesting to see if the Democrat party ever recovers from their mistakes of this last week.

  18. For Obama, New York's a given, he should take Illinois and MAYBE California---Pennsylvania and Jersey will probably swing McCain's way, and don't know how Massuhchussettes will go...not sure how the Palin factor will play out in the other "left" leaning states though

  19. According to Obama there are 57 states to be won.

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