
Will McCain bring us out of the war?

by Guest61881  |  earlier

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Ok, everybody talks about McCain because he flew plains in a war. Ok, great! He also graduated 5th from the very bottom in Annapolis! So, do you think with all his war experience he will pull us out of the war or keep us in?

Simple question, yes or no, will he bring us out or keep us in?




  1. umm being a we are signing over area's already then isnt this a mote question?  

  2. If you mean will he keep on the offensive against terrorist groups , then yes he will keep us in. If you mean Iraq , he will bring us out when the country has been stabilized , which will be within the next couple of years

  3. yes i think so

  4. Is it 100 years later????

  5. moot point, the Iraqis want us out by 2011. If we don't leave they may turn on us and drive us out of THEIR country. I'm far more concerned about what wars he will get us into. Our relationship with Russia has grown fragile under GWB and if we continue to ignore their concerns, posture and act arrogantly then things will get ugly. Anyone who underestimates Russia as a super power or Putin himself is a fool and it will be we the people who will take the brunt of the response for Washington's arrogance. McCain's recent response to the Georgia incident showcases the type of response we can expect from him as president. FYI: he wanted to eject them from G8 as punishment however, he doesn't know enough about world affairs to know that the only way to do that is with an 8-0 vote, meaning Russia would have to agree. He has no issue with shooting from the hip with ideas whose only result will be to infuriate. we need a peacemaker not a warrior.

  6. He will do what is necessary to defend this country.

    I fear Obama will not.

  7. h**l 2 THE NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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