
Will McCain call for a draft to bring the army up to the strength it needs to continue in Iraq?

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The American public is not volunteering in high enough numbers, and I see no reason why they will under McCain.




  1. McCain stated that if he is elected we will remain at war for 100 years if we have to... and he said he will do ANYTHING to maintain that power in Iraq and maybe/soon Iran?

  2. It's a good thing our country doesn't revolve around what you "see."

  3. he said he wouldn't back when the dems tried to make a draft in order to make the war personal for everyone, they assumed that once your azz was on the line, people would stop being war mongers. Neo cons justified this political strategum with those catch phrases we're already familiar with. Saying things like draftees are a liability and we don't want them if they don't want to be here etc etc. The tune will change when they have a need i'm sure. so we can only wait and see.

  4. I think it was Charlie Rangel (a Democrat) who proposed a draft.  I think it's a good idea.

  5. Yeah i strongly dont think McCain would, since he was in Vietnam and understood how hard the draft was back then.

  6. Let's just all pray that McCain doesn't get the opportunity to make that decision.  If he is elected, we are all in trouble.

  7. I think McCain or Obama will. I don't think either one will bring them back.

  8. What scares me about your question is that if we are so depleted, (which we are) the potential of more, or another  conflict would potentially crush us. - Why are we in Iraq in the first place? It's never been justified.

  9. I hope not.

  10. No, we will not institute a draft.

  11. No - adding conscripts would ruin a volunteer army.  If anyone should know that, it would be a Vietnam Vet.

  12. Oh good point. I hope not. I don't think he will. I think he'll just keep redeploying soldiers back for the 3rd, 4th, etc.

  13. No one will institute a draft. Silly question.

  14. no

  15. Yes, because he's capable of anything. He would only do it after the elections are over, and give the USA, one more unpleasant surprise.

  16. Sorry folks.  If the war continues we will have to start drafting.  No way out.  It is not a popular war and not enough are joining up voluntarily.

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