
Will McCain change his mind? See below!?

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Republican John McCain, whose running mate disclosed that her unmarried 17-year-old daughter is pregnant, has opposed proposals to spend federal money on teen-pregnancy prevention programs and voted to require poor teen mothers to stay in school or lose their benefits.




  1. nope... McCain is an idiot

  2. Johm McCain is a man of many faces. Who knows what he will do.

  3. I think the staying in school part is great. Might prevent them from becoming too dependent on the government.

  4. I must profess ignorance on this but I do have a question: Has McCain always opposed this or has it just been since 2004 or does he agree now and opposed prior to 2004? I ask this because 2004 was a pivotal year for him; he flipped over his opinions on many issues and I'm not certain if this was one or which way the the flip went. Thanks in advance for the info.

  5. No because he already knew about this...and it is also working in his and Palin's favor...

  6. So how is it wrong to require them to stay in school?  Would you rather they remain uneducated and dependent on the Government for support?  Oh that's right, you support Obama and think he will give you something for nothing.. Ha Ha.

    I prefer they stay in school and off the welfare rolls.

    As for the second part of your question, you need to quit depending on trolls and drones for your information. Palin's attorney is not a private attorney but rather one chosen and paid for by the state of Alaska, as is done for any and all public officials. She did not hire him. ALL public officials are provided an attornery whenever circumstances require one.

    Try again, once you become better infromed.

  7. Palin is a real person with real issues. That must scar the h**l out of liberals who think every one should do as they say and not as they do. Democrat is the party of immorality and socialism.

  8. He will never change his mind, he's old, stubborn and believes he's right ALL the time.  

    This trully shows the classic case of what type of Judgement he has, with his Veep pick.  Had he took his time and not rush to attain his VP mate.  He might of had a chance, but he has blown it.

    I saw his podium yesterday before the start of the RNC it simply read, "Country First"....... and I thought are they serious, If they think Country is first, then why are the republicans sugar coating his VP pick, why not tell how they really feel instead of all the whispering and bickering that is going on behind the media.  They keep having to save face day after day, and none of the more loud mouth McCain supporters have come out and told their TRUE feelings.  

    This is PARTY FIRST, not country.  So no, he's going to stand on what he has done, even if it means he will not get to the white house.

  9. I really feel for anyone who is involved in this situation.

    I think that this topic is "hot" enough for a senator, congressman, local official to have to deal with & explain...but for the 2nd  highest political position in the land?

    McCain would have done better to research his candidate choice a little more.  I feel that while he thinks that her personal life shouldn't matter (and it shouldn't) there are many, many young people in this country who have been rejected, scorned and felt left out because they made the same choice as Ms. Palin's daughter.

    This sets up the debate over double standard and a wealth of other controversial topics that while deserve attention, will probably never get solved in our current govt system.

    I truly feel if he had known when he interviewed her he would not have chosen her, aside from her capabilities and her point of view, but how much respect would a VP (particularly in countries where women are still fighting for equalities) have to discuss world matters, when the other people know she couldn't convince her own child to make a different decision for herself.

    It's too "hot" to handle.

  10. Why should'nt they be required to finish thier education? to do otherwise encourages a life where haveing babies equates a welfare career opportunity.Kids just need to understand do otherwise simply encourages the behavior.Its no different than enableing an alcoholic.

  11. mccain is hero  

  12. They should stay in school.  I remember when the Dems gave them welfare without any responsibilty attached  and then generation after generation  would be on it.

  13. Who knows.  He'll do what he feels is best.

  14. He's already blown his foot off with this poor choice.

    He didn't want her in the first place.

    He should have gone with his gut........and just picked Joe or Mitt.

    but he caved to the pressure to do something :"spectacular".

    and now ya can't put the bullet back in the gun........and pretend ya still have a leg to stand on...........

    he's blown his foot clean off with this choice.

    It cost him dearly.

  15. So what's wrong with that. You can obviously also check your statistics in some urban slums.

  16. Oh so the poor teen mothers should just quit school is what you are saying?  So they can just live off the government forever instead of having a chance to make a better life for themselves?  I didn't realize how the Dems. felt about this.  Now I understand better.  Thank you!


  17. No way.  It would be suicide.

  18. Probably not, nor should he.

    The "poor teen mothers" will remain poor if they don't finish school..why is it a bad thing to force them to do that?

  19. I am an Obama supporter. Have been for at least a year. Sort of liked Edwards before that but he turned into a whiny baby, feeling he had to rebut every bit of nonsense Hillary's campaign was spewing at him.

    Ahem. Anyway.

    My 12 year old daughter and I had a talk last night when it was revealed about Bristol. First of all, I wish Bristol a healthy pregnancy and baby and if it was me I'd have quit the nonsense with the mono and had her take Laurel Springs or some other online high school course to finish her credits and get a diploma.

    But yes, my 12 year old daughter and I agreed that lack of education about birth control does NOT stop young people from having s*x, and it didn't fifty or a hundred years ago either.

    We also agreed that while we don't like abortion, we don't see how the government banning it and taking choice away from an individual woman will improve things. I used it as a teaching moment to inform my daughter that there have always been desperate women with an unexpected pregnancy and that many of them died from illegal abortions.

    As far as poor teen mothers staying in school -- most schools in poor urban neighborhoods have daycare and for those who don't, the mothers can get daycare assistance while they are in school, so I don't see how that's a factor. I think they should be able to stay out, be homeschooled on maternity leave for the semester after the baby is born though.

    As far as the public safety commissioner and the state trooper who is her sister's ex husband -- I think she is wise, actually, to retain a lawyer to fight those allegations on her behalf so she can concentrate on other things and to speak for her so there is less chance of something outlandish coming out of her mouth to sink the McCain campaign before we even have a chance to get back to ACTUAL ISSUES THAT AFFECT OUR NATION.

  20. Many politicians oppose legislation that oppose proposals to spend federal money on teen-pregnancy prevention programs - it's call abstinence education and if followed  is 100% effective with no side effects.

    You need to provide more detail on John McCain's position.  He supports abstinence (see the article you link to) which is typically a conservative mind set (wow, McCain agreeing with  a conservative idea - don't see that much).  So when he opposes proposals to spend federal money on teen-pregnancy prevention, he opposes the contraceptive handout and training.  This aligns with his policy.  Why would he want to change his mind?

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