
Will McCain continue to subvert the constitution as the Bush administration has been doing, or?

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Will he make plans to make sure it holds strong?




  1. For all the Bush lovers that don't think the question has merit I offer two words: "Patriot Act" and no, McCain won't continue Bush's "legacy" because he won't get the chance.

  2. He will continue to subvert the constitution. He has shown he is willing to cave in to the bush administration by agreeing to torture. He has voted with bush on over 90% of his foolish ideas.

    I wouldn't bet on the fact he would stop doing what he has been doing as a Senator if he becomes President.

  3. You pose a situation as you interpret it, not as it is in reality(as most liberals do), so the question is invalid! Sorry.

    McCain\Palin 08!

    NOBama 08!

  4. He voted 100% with Bush on (anti) Constitutional issues. He has not said one thing about restoring our Constitutional rights. And believe me but I have been listening for it along with a few million other people.

  5. She has no references. Because she has no facts. Just delusions.

    For true Constitutuonal subversions, see Woodrow Wilson and FDR.

  6. Please list references against Bush. Please. But the constitution is amended all the time, and I reckon Obama might do a thing or two to it himself.

  7. I am thinking Mccain will be different, I think he has his own plans, who says he is gonna be like bush!! Just because he is running on the rep ticket, good grief give the Man a chance, Loads I know think his pick for VP is wonderful, and refreshing!!!!!!!!!!

  8. And as Obama has been doing (funding Iraq war, FISA, voting for the Patriot Act WHICH IS MOST OF WHAT YOUR LINK REFERS TO, discussion of delegating sovereign decisions to international bodies....)

    They both suck when it comes to the Constitution.

    Ron Paul 2008 or as close as I can vote and have it counted.

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