
Will McCain dropout in August?

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With the Iraq thing and the economy doing so p**s poorly by then. He'll have no other choice but to dropout of the race.




  1. What does Iraq and the economy have to do with McCain dropping out of the race.

  2. that makes no sense...if the economy is poor he will have to drop out?  Hes the one who wants to lower taxes and stimulate the economy, the poorer the economy the more people would(well not would but should) switch to his side.  Obama will be bad for the economy.

  3. nope..sorry

  4. That Kool-Aid tastes REALLY, REALLY GOOD, doesn't it, Jimbo? ;-)

    No, he CAN'T!!! No, he WON'T!!! '08

    No, she COULDN'T!!! No, she DIDN'T!!! '08

  5. No he won't. Now that he is in the race he will see it out. He must know that the connection to Bush will hurt him badly but will see it thru.

  6. And let who take over?? I don't see that he has competition in his own party.

    Put the Kool Aid away

  7. Another ignorant anti-American. Sad that they have to be lead around by the nose by their liberal leadership.

  8. Hahahaha...YOU wish!!

  9. Best hope your wish does not come true and we are attacked on our soil Remember Mr Bush's rating right after 9/11 Do think anyone would vote for Obama

  10. No He won't drop out..The race for president will be close, but if voters have any real sense, they will vote for a change.  Troops will need  to remain in Iraq for a long, long time. to protect our Oil Interests there.  finally..the "big four", Exxon-Mobil, BP, Shell, & Total, are going back into Iraq.  36 yrs after being "expelled" by Saddam.  They will need protection.  Their re-entry probably won't make us look any better to the rest of the world. They knew what the war was about, even if U.S. citizens didn't. In the long run..U.S. troops will need to remain there.  Condi Rice   can smile now & declare, "Mission Accomplished"

  11. really? how so? can you proved proof or any real theory based on some actual facts? i would think with his history vs obama that this might actually help him win.

  12. Quiet the contrary.

    ***** President Elect John McCain in November!*****

    America is just not that broken to choose otherwise!

  13. Probably in August, or even in July.

    McCain can't win. And the Republicans are not just going to give away this election. Dumping him for another candidate would be a longshot for them -- but it is the only shot they have.

    I think the GOP ticket will be some combination of Colin Powell and Jeb Bush.

  14. It is possible, and bring in Romney as their fresh and change.

  15. Tell them this Don't Hate Change Change Hate Vote 4 OBAMA in 08 This was a public service announcement sponsored by the DNC. I am Barack Obama and I approve of this message. Im rich biaotch....why thank you

  16. only one way to find out...with SCIENCE

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