
Will McCain garner disaffected Hillary voters by appointing a pro-life, fundamentalist Christian to VP?

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This seems like a gamble.




  1. She is prolife but is a member of a group called femininsts for pro life. She belives in womens issues and rights but also belives in life. Obama is done for. She is a common sense politican. She opposes g*y marriage as marriage is between a man and women however she was the first governor to support g*y couples getting insurance benefits in her state. She is a great pick.

  2. McCain only chose her to pander to former Clinton supporters. That is all. McCain is using sexism and women to get votes. I doubt whether he even cares about Palin outside for what she can do for him to get elected.

    It is low and despicable. Palin would never had been considered if Clinton didn't run.  Many governors had more experience and are more fit to lead.  Huckabee or Romney anyone?

    I am sure that he will garner some Hillary voters, but who knows the long term effect it will have.

  3. I doubt it since Palin is the exact opposite of just about everything Hillary stands for.

  4. If all they are interested in is pro-life christianity! My worries run much deeper than roe v wade.

  5. Maybe he thinks all women only want to vote for any woman.

    The whole idea that Hillary only appealed to women was nonsense, nonsense the chicken DNC believed when they pushed her out.

    Men obviously have no idea, even now, as to what women want.

    While some women do want a fundie true believer, independents and possible crossover Dems don't, and they don't want that again in spades.

    McCain gained nothing at all and lost a bit of respect too.

    When I heard his choice all I could think was that they really don't want to win this one.

  6. In a word, NO!  Wrong pick.  

  7. No his pandering is a cheap attempt and will not work for any but the most moronic voters.

  8. seems like a bad gamble...

    one he's sure to lose.

  9. Nope. Anyone voting for Hillary was smart enough to begin with. They're not going to fall for such an obvious trap.

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