
Will McCain inform his supporters of his VP pick by unleashing thousands of Carrier Pigeons?

by Guest63486  |  earlier

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Do you think he knows how to text message?

Maybe he could use Morse Code.

Here's hoping it's Romney!

Have you ever seen an Obama supporter poke fun at their Messiah?

McCain 08




  1. Make that 60 million carrier pigeons (his followers)!!!!!


  2. Nope.

    By celebrating his 205th birthday.

  3. No, that is too creative. How bout bombs bursting in air. He can stand before evryone & tell them he was a P.O.W for 5 1/2 years. For anyone who doesn't know this....I always poke fun at my Messiah! I told a friend today that if voted for Obama he willed be cured of his acid reflux. So we have lots of fun just guessing at the great things that are going to happen when the Messiah takes office.

  4. One thing's for sure - his carrier pigeons won't be subject to all of the hacked and phony text messages signed "Obama" which announced the VP to anyone from Oberman to Hillary.

    And, no, it would simply be sacrilegious for a follower to demean the messiah.

  5. To answer your first question, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if he did use carrier pigeons because everyone knows what pigeons are famous for. Dumping a bunch of c**p.

    To answer your avatar's question, it's because you ask way too many lame questions.

  6. McCain is like the presidential version of McGiver.  He is capable of rigging anything to serve his needs.  I give him an old electronic type writer, a 5 year old fried modem and a car battery, and he can inform the world on a state of the art Teletype message machine.

    His message:  I am being held hostage by Karl Rove.

  7. He doesn't even know how to use a computer, I'm pretty sure he can't send a text message.

  8. Considering how old Mccain is he'll probably send it by a fox.

  9. oBAMA 08-22

  10. well we know it wont be at 3 am....well unless his prostate is acting up.

    could Obama have messed that promotional stunt up anymore than he did

  11. LOL

  12. Yes and they will s**t all over the DNC

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