
Will McCain reinstate the military draft?

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I keep hearing about this.

What do you think?




  1. no, he said time and time again that the draft is impractical.

  2. umm every male at age 18 has to its not really gone realize this right....

    marlboro menthol light 100's dude my son registered dont tell me you dont realize that selected service card you mailed back in was for just that the draft if they need you they will call you....there is not an active draft at this moment but they have the names of all the little boys over the age of my question is what the h**l are you smoking

  3. Re-institution of the draft would require Congressional approval.  This is just a scare tactic to sway voters.  It was used when Bush ran and did he try to get the draft passed?  No.  Will McCain?  No.

  4. McCain cant start a draft-only congress can do that---any president would be for a draft if the sitution warranted it---for you who want to run---you want all the benifits of this country but if you have to fight for her you want to run like a skunk with a yellow streak and let the others do it for you

  5. No----but you could enlist anytime you want to.

  6. No, thats stupid. Unless we fight China. Then Im game.

  7. It's amazing you guys all want your freedom to run your mouths but your not willing to fight for it. You couldn't say what your saying now in a lot of countries they would take your head off and for the countries that to allow you to say what you want well, you can thank the U.S.A. for that!! Your nothing but a bunch of wimps. He should make it mandatory that everyone goes in for 2 years when they get out of high school and if they quit well they get to go sooner if for nothing else but to teach some discipline.

  8. Dumb  as*, its the nutty democrat from NY who wants to reinstate the draft...he has been trying to do it for years.

    He says the volunteer army is racist!  Too many blacks in the volunteer army!

    Look it up!  ITS THE DEMOCRATS who seek to do that!!!!!!

  9. Lol, I bet he will.

    Then he'll be surprised by the sudden increase in population of 18 years olds in Canada!

  10. well why would he and first of all let everyone get one thing straight if they weren't getting paid to do this and some of the benefits weren't there people would not just line up to take the d**n spot that is why our presidents suck and second no need to if America would stay out of other people's business i mean yeah okay we fought Iraq everything is good okay now we are getting involved in Georgia and Russia going at it not our business best thing get a president that is worth something which personally me neither  

  11. No. Even though enlistments are down, standards are up. When the military ranks are filled with draftees, the quality of service goes down. There is no need for a draft at this time.

  12. bailie what are you smoking?

  13. they said Bush was going to. that was a BIG thing in 2004. did he? no he didnt.

  14. I doubt that a draft will happen again.....  

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