
Will McCain thrash Obama like Nixon gave McGovern years ago?

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Will McCain thrash Obama like Nixon gave McGovern years ago?




  1. Would really like 4 more years like the past 8.  America needs new ideas and McCain will just continue what is there.  How many houses does he own?

  2. I'll simply take a McCain win. If Obama wins, the United States will be picked apart and neutered within a few years. You thought the Soviet Union collapse was huge...just wait.

  3. No, not at all.

    Due to restricted arm movement, McCain could not "thrash" anything or anyone.

  4. It is not trashing your opponent to point out his deficiencies. Obama is one of the most flawed candidates to ever get this far. Should McCain allow him to blatantly perpetrate this deceit on the country he loves and has fought to make better his whole life?

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